Our apps get multi-chain support

After Telos, 2nd EOSIO chain supported is the EOS MainNet

The Teloscope
2 min readJul 17, 2019


Some time ago, we started occasionally receiving messages encouraging us to make our applications compatible with other EOSIO chains. At the time, we thought it wasn’t appropriate… Why?

Well, first our team was in the middle of developing some Chainspector modules, as well as producing code for other projects.

Second, The Teloscope is a Telos Block Producer fully committed to the project, and the Telos community has helped us via Worker Proposals. We didn’t feel comfortable making available Chainspector for other chains before having completed the main features conceived for Telos.

And thirdly, it was clear to us that of all EOSIO chains we should make Chainspector available for the EOS MainNet, so their users might get to know about Telos this way.

Since the launch of the Ratify Proposals module, we felt that the time had come to face the challenge. Hence, lately we have been working on adding multi-chain support in Chainspector. And as you might guess, EOS MainNet is the second chain following Telos, because we believe that Chainspector can help in raising awareness of Telos among the EOS community.

Now when you open Chainspector, you will see at the top right a small drop-down menu where you can select the EOSIO network.

Although you will not enjoy Chainspector’s specific functionalities for Telos governance on EOS MainNet (who knows, maybe in a future… 😉), you can still use other valuable tools such as Ranking Playground, Proxy selector and RCP Api. They are one-of-a-kind and not available on similar applications currently running on EOS.

The Teloscope is an independent non-profit block producer. The revenue we get from any service we provide to the network is fully invested in our BP infrastructure, as well as in tools and services for the community.

This article has been produced by members of The Teloscope team.

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