The Complete Guide to Chainspector

The Swiss Army knife of EOSIO blockchain networks

The Teloscope
7 min readJan 24, 2020


What is it?

Although raw data may be publicly accessible on EOSIO networks, non technical users may have difficulties in giving it a useful meaning. For some of them it can be tedious to use a block explorer. Also some important information comes from analysing the whole picture, and not only from looking at the individual parts.

So here is when comes to rescue. It is a freeware multi-chain software that combines a variety of live data relative to EOSIO chains like Telos and EOS.

You can switch between EOSIO chains (currently Telos and EOS)

Unlike a block explorer, Chainspector offers several tool-kits that present more useful information. The interface enables users to easily play with data, and even some tools include the ability to vote.

We plan to continue adding more tools based on your feedback. Future development of Chainspector will align with what the community needs.
You can shape our development roadmap! 😀

How to use it?


Under this section you have a set of tools that make network analytics and data aggregation and review easy.

Analytics (Telos and EOS)

Here you can get to know the basic network information at a glance.
For your convenience we have selected what we consider the most interesting information, so you don’t have to search for it elsewhere.

Network information about Telos (left) and EOS (right)

Token Showroom (Telos only)

Anyone can issue a token with their own custom contract. For example, developers can deploy custom tokens to create and manage ‘digital assets’ inside of their applications.

But many tokens can have the same name and the contract owner can change, move or even destroy the tokens. It is a good advice to always check the contract name for the token and the issuer.

Here you can review the most significant information about every custom token that has been deployed on the blockchain network up to date.

Info about custom tokens available on Telos

Account Activity (Telos only)

If you are a creator of a ‘digital asset’ or a decentralized application or service, the most intuitive measure of success is simply a measurement of how many people are using it, in aggregate and on a daily basis. And probably, you can easily get these numbers by tracking account activity.

Here you can know who the most active accounts are (Top 100) for last 24 hours, and their corresponding action counts.

Check Snapshot (Telos only)

If you had your TLOS tokens in your account and you did any action (i.e. staking or unstaking), then chances are you were included in a snapshot.

Here you can check if any account is present in the snapshots, so you can make sure it will qualify for some future airdrops!

Voting Scope

Under this section you have a set of interrelated tools that make it easier to explore voting results for block producer candidates (BPs).

Ranking Playground (Telos and EOS)

Here you can play with the votes casted by top voters and by voting proxies, and see their influence.

BP Voters Info (Telos and EOS)

Here you can explore who votes for each BP candidate.

Accounts Voting Info (Telos and EOS)

Here you can do the opposite of the previous tool: for a specific account or proxy you can explore what BPs they are voting for.

Proxy Selector Panel (Telos and EOS)

Here you can choose a proxy that votes for your selected Block Producer Candidates. That way you can investigate only a small number of BPs but discover how you can maximize your voting power.

First you will see at a glance all producers voted by top proxies.

Then by selecting on the right panel some BPs you will see only the proxies that are voting for those BPs (highlighted).

You can click on the name of any proxy and see its information and a graph with the voting distribution.

After you have spent your time analysing the results, then you can cast your vote accordingly to your findings and preferences (if you have Scatter or Sqrl enabled).

BP Selector (Telos and EOS)

Voting for a BP should be an informed and responsible decision. And for that it is essential to have quick access to their most relevant information.

Here you can find the list of BPs along with their basic information, and you can also select and vote for your favourite ones.


Under this section you have a set of tools that make it easier to participate in the community-based decisions.

Telos Works (Telos only)

Here you can explore all funding proposals submitted to the community-voted Telos Work Proposal System. You can vote for ongoing worker proposals and even include a commentary.

On top there is an accountancy section that displays aggregates of the Worker proposals for different statuses: ongoing, pending payment, successful or discarded. It gives the community more insight about the state of Telos Works system, helping voters in choosing what proposals deserve their vote.

Users can easily navigate the list of proposals by displaying just those with the same status. By default, ongoing proposals are displayed when first accessing the Telos Works section.

Users can switch to proposals in other statuses by selecting it at a drop-down field

The ‘Details’ button placed at the right of each proposal on the list gives you access to all the information about the proposal. Proposers usually include this direct link in their marketing campaigns.

At the bottom of page there is a section for votes and comments. With the ‘Your vote’ box (left) you can add a comment once you have voted for the proposal. The ‘Votes and comments’ box (right) displays what the proposer and voters have commented (Comments tab) and who has voted for the proposal on every direction (Yes, No and Abstain tabs).

On the list of proposals, each one of them shows a balloon before the ID to indicate the amount of comments made by voters for that proposal.

To vote for a proposal, you must first keep either Scatter or Sqrl running in the background. Only in that case a ‘Login’ button will be available at the top right of Chainspector. Click ‘Login’ and select at the Scatter or Sqrl window the account you want Chainspector to use to cast your vote.

If you manage several accounts and want to vote with some of them, use the Logout button and login again to choose a different one

Once logged in, when you open the details page of an ongoing proposal the three voting buttons will be displayed. A message at the right will indicate whether if you have voted or not and the direction of your last vote. You can vote as many times as you wish before the period ends. Your last vote will be the only one that counts.

Once you have voted, refresh the application to show the result. Note that if you have included a comment, it may not appear until a few minutes have passed. Be patient, have a drink and check the application again. 😜

Telos Amend (Telos only)

Here you can review and vote for the proposals for amendments to the Telos core governance documents, etc.

Arbitration Elections (Telos only)

Here you can check the latest arbitration elections and know more about the current elected arbitrators.


(Telos and EOS)

This set of tools originated from our personal experience: when you want to check something quickly but you don’t want to navigate through an explorer, nor open the console.

Here you can perform any query even from your mobile phone! We really think that it will be much appreciated by the not so technical savvy users.

This guide has been produced by members of The Teloscope team.

The Teloscope is an independent non-profit block producer. The revenue we get from any service we provide to the network is fully invested in our BP infrastructure, as well as in tools and services for the community. Please visit our Code of Conduct to know more about these principles.

You can support us by including theteloscope among the list of BPs that deserve your vote.

