The Difference Between Being Alone and Feeling Lonely

We feel alone even when we are surrounded by people

Helen Bold
2 min readSep 24, 2020


The Difference Between Being Alone and Feeling Lonely. We feel alone even when we are surrounded by people
Photo by Keenan Constance on Unsplash

We feel alone even when we are surrounded by people. We lack something difficult for us to explain. And it is even more difficult to explain it for those around us when we run away and take refuge in solitude.

Human beings are prepared and conditioned to live their lives in the company of others. We need to interact in society, in a world of shared relationships, family, friends, neighbors, colleagues or common interest groups.

When we talk about loneliness, it is important to remember that it can be a combination of an actual state and a perception. Some single people enjoy loneliness and there are people who, although they are in a relationship or are surrounded by other people, feel alone. Such a feeling of loneliness will always depend on how a person is perceived in their social environment.

When we are alone we can be lazy, feel good, relax, enjoy nature, sunbathe, walk, meditate or simply do what we like without the intervention of other people.

But, many times, we are afraid to be alone. This brings us into the situation of entering into inappropriate relationships, with inappropriate people, and our life turns into a real agony because we do not know happiness. Most of the time, we are more affected because we do not have genuine feelings and because we do not feel able to arouse anything beautiful in those next to us.

In these cases, there is an emotional dependence, in which a person engages in a relationship only for the need to have a company, even if it means accepting compromises, such as verbal or physical abuse, infidelity or other abuses that impoverish the very essence. Those who tolerate this are paying an outrageous price to have a partner.

The false belief that loneliness is being avoided by having people near is nothing but an illusion. Remember: it hurts more to be alone surrounded by people than feeling lonely.

Only when we are alone, we can connect with ourselves. This opportunity allows us to see and check whether we are really what we want to be and whether we are doing what we want to do.

Only a few people know:

  • Loneliness does not depend on how many friends you have.
  • Over 60% of single people are, in fact, married.
  • Loneliness is contagious in the virtual environment.
  • When we feel alone, the body produces more cholesterol.
  • Loneliness increases the level of stress.

Loneliness takes many forms. It can bring more than just a cause of suffering. It can help and develop, bringing you closer to your inner self. Even when we are surrounded by family or friends, we should spend time alone to think, to decide, and not to become addicted to others.



Helen Bold

Writer since I learned to write. Freelancer since I was born. Thinker since my past life. Publishing on: