Useful Tips If You Want to Play a Musical Instrument

You want to learn to play guitar, violin, piano, or any other musical instrument?

Helen Bold
5 min readOct 15, 2020


Photo by Oz Seyrek on Unsplash

You want to learn to play guitar, violin, piano, or any other musical instrument? You may quickly give up because you hear from all sides it is very difficult, that you practically can never learn because you are too old. These discouragements do not stop here and this harms you.

It is said that you have to start the musical activity from an early age, only this way you will perform or become a famous pianist, a famous violinist or a guitarist who will make a splash on the concert stage.

In fact, things are not as bad as you may hear. The earlier you start, the faster and easier you can learn, children’s minds being a sponge that quickly absorbs any information. However, see if you have any talent before making serious investments. Take a musical instrument and then enroll in classes.

Photo by Ashkan Forouzani on Unsplash

Here’s what you need to do to learn a musical instrument!

If you are a child or teenager, then it is not at all complicated to do this, especially when there is talent. Things will go exactly the way you want, so don’t worry about it. Even if you are over 30–40 years old, you should not be discouraged and tell yourself that it is impossible. Try to push your limits and everything will become a reality in a shorter or longer time, but you will learn to play guitar, piano, violin, or any other instrument you want.

Although you will be tempted to learn on your own because it is more convenient and because you do not have a lot of money to study with a private teacher, still keep in mind that the lessons on the internet are not enough and that you need feedback, which only a specialist’s ear can really give you. You also need a real musical instrument to help you learn. Thus, you could search through the category of musical instruments and discover a high-quality product that could provide pleasant sounds.

Photo by Josh Appel on Unsplash

How much money do I need to learn a musical instrument?

I think we all ask ourselves this question when we want to do or learn something new.

First, you need to know how much you want to invest. Be sure what you want to do. Do you want to play just for yourself, to feel good, for your inner peace or do you want to excel, to make a future out of it?

It is important to know this. You can invest equally in both cases. But you are interested in the result. If you want to play music strictly for yourself, you can invest as little or as much as you consider. You can buy new or used instruments; you can study with a teacher or on the internet.

You can find musical instruments of any size and at any price. It all depends on you and what you want to do.

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

How much money can you make from music?

It depends on how high you want to get. Do you want to play music, be listened to by everyone? Do you want to focus on a smaller group of people and sending a message? For this question, you need to research the music market.

You can promote yourself on social networks, you can post videos on YouTube, you can sing pro bono in cafes or on terraces to make yourself known. If you are confident enough about yourself and what you do, you can sign with a record house.

The question is: how high do you want to aim?

I suggest a little exercise. Take a notebook, a piece of paper, or your phone and answer the following questions:

Do I want to achieve something or do I just want a hobby?

Am I willing to give up certain things, like waking up at 1 PM, social networks, my free time, to allocate time for exercise?

How motivated are you to do that?

What motivates you to do this?

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Tips and tricks

These tips and tricks are useful in any situation when you want to learn something new.

  • Write it all down in a notebook throughout the sessions.
  • Allocate daily exercise time, at least 30–60 minutes.
  • Record yourself to see and hear the mistakes.
  • Ask for other people’s opinions.
  • Set a target and try to reach it 100%.
  • Ask when you don’t know and look for information.
  • Research the market.
  • Be patient!
Photo by Tetiana SHYSHKINA on Unsplash


Do you really want to study and learn to play the musical instrument you want? Then you need to relax, be in good mental shape, and give up negative feelings. Leave everyday problems elsewhere and focus as much as possible on what you do. Otherwise, you will not have a notable performance.

Sometimes you can’t tell if you’re making progress or not, especially when you’re trying to learn a musical instrument on your own. After you have practiced enough, gather those close to you and give a small concert. You will gather different opinions. Be receptive to criticism and don’t be intimidated or discouraged by it!

In conclusion, age does not impede playing a musical instrument and you should try to fulfill this dream, even if you are 20, 35, or 60 years old. All you have to do is choose one, practice as much as possible, and don’t forget that the opinion of a specialist matters.

If you want to read more regarding this topic, you can check out my article Musical Instruments You Can Study At Home.



Helen Bold

Writer since I learned to write. Freelancer since I was born. Thinker since my past life. Publishing on: