Recording the things you learn every day

Olayinka Omole
Published in
2 min readJun 5, 2018
Photo by Galymzhan Abdugalimov on Unsplash

I recently made the decision to start tracking what I learned everyday, mostly inspired by a tweet I saw about a week ago (week ago).

I didn’t start right away cause I was scared I wouldn’t be able to sustain it, or have things to report that I learned every day. I brewed over this fear for a while, and on a bright morning some days ago I decided to go ahead and just start recording.

What recording has thought me is that a lot of things I learn daily get lost somehow. Having a record and sharing it with people will not only be beneficial to me, but also to others, which is a super win win.

Yomi sent me a message about starting this publication to write short notes on things we learn everyday. The little gems we don’t want to get lost in the sands of time. I’ve heard countless times that the shortest writings last longer than the sharpest memory.

This publication will mostly focus on design and software development, as these are our core strengths. We will also try to post on other interesting topics. You’re welcome to follow in our journey and walk with us on our adventure. Let’s see what we discover.



Olayinka Omole

JavaScript, Python and PHP Developer. I love to invent and learn about things.