TRASH Joins Snap’s Yellow Accelerator

Published in
1 min readFeb 21, 2020

The Ghost is Out of The Bag!

The 2020 Yellow Cohort 👻

Announcing that we’re participating in Snap’s third annual accelerator program, Yellow! We’re one of 10 companies to be accepted, so we’re stoked to be a part of it and learn from the other teams in the cohort and of course, Snap!

Read more about it and the other companies in Techcrunch, Adweek, Tubefilter, L.A. Biz, LA Tech Watch.

The program was launched in 2018 and focuses on companies working in the in-between space of creativity + technology. As Mike Su, the director of the program, put it:

“Building from the momentum of our first two Yellow programs, this new class approaches mobile creativity through the diverse lenses of augmented reality, platforms, commerce and media, yet each company has a clear vision to bring their products to life,” said Mike Su, Director of Yellow. “This class shows us that there’s no shortage of innovation at the intersection of creativity and technology, and we’re excited to be part of each company’s journey.”

– Han, Ela (& Team TRASH)

