What I Realized After Dating Chinese Women

Philippe Berry
5 min readJun 15, 2024


Of course, not all women in China look like models…but the majority of young women are very attractive.

But I will share with you the secret of where to find these attractive girls. This is one of the best Chinese dating site SakuraDate.

But beauty is not the only thing that Chinese ladies deserve to be known for. Here are some interesting facts about them that not many people know.

#1 Your Chinese girlfriend has all the chances to outlive you

Longevity is one of the prominent Chinese woman traits, as the average life expectancy of females in the country is 79.4 years. I think that all the Omega3 they consume.

#2 Many Chinese women are #GirlBoss

Around 31% of entrepreneurs in China are women and the number is only growing. I wasn’t surprised by such statistics as when you meet Chinese women the next thing you notice after their beauty is how hardworking and ambitious they are.

I believe an average Chinese girl fits perfectly into US society.

#3 Chinese girl can knock you down. Beware😉

And I mean literally. Martial arts are very popular in China, and both Chinese men and women participate in Tai Chi and Kung Fu.

So, don’t think that that petite and delicate Chinese lady is weak, she can stand her ground!

Do’s and Don’ts of Dating Chinese Girls

During my trip, I explored both traditional China, local dating customs, and traditions as well as modern things that Chinese women love.

I believe that knowing your partner’s cultural peculiarities is a must to get a mutual agreement and better understanding.

To help all my foreign men-readers out there, I gathered all things to know when dating a Chinese woman, that will help you to embarrass yourself less.


  • Be courteous and polite. Respect and respect are highly valued in Chinese society. Treat your date with respect, pay attention, and use decent manners.
  • Learn a few Chinese words and phrases. It can really wow your date and demonstrate that you are interested in her culture. It’s like a hidden weapon to make her heart skip a beat. So, Ni Hao, let the charm do its magic!
  • Be on time. Punctuality is taken seriously in Chinese culture. So, instead of making your date wait like a poor kung fu movie scene, make it a good one. Arrive on time and demonstrate respect for your date’s time.
  • Be tolerant when it comes to food. Chinese cuisine takes your taste senses on a rollercoaster ride. Prepare to try some out-of-this-world meals and get excited about trying new Chinese food together.


  • Avoid using stereotypes. It’s important to treat each person as a unique individual and avoid supposing anything about them based on stereotypes about Chinese women. So, don’t judge a book by its cover, take your time to get to know your lady.
  • Don’t bring up sensitive topics. Save the heated debates for another day. Politics, religion, and other contentious issues might be compared to a horrible karaoke session — ignore them on your date. Keep a light and fun tone.
  • Avoid the “I’m here to rescue you” approach. Chinese ladies are self-sufficient and independent. Respect your Chinese girl and treat her as an equal.
  • Don’t push your Chinese girl to be a Western copycat. Embrace her Chinese heritage and don’t push her to give up her traditional beliefs and adopt Western norms. Respect and cherish her individuality.

Challenges in Dating Chinese Women

While traveling in China, I encountered many challenges of Chinese women dating that may make it harder for, for example, a US guy and a Chinese girl.

As you remember, I’ve been in the country for over a month, and oh my… I was embarrassed so many times. And the majority of my awkward moments were due to my not knowing a bit of Chinese.

Language barriers

Frankly, it was quite hard to navigate China without my friend who is a teacher of English in one of the Gouangou’s schools. The country has low English proficiency and even those people who claim they know English, usually do not.

And relying on Google Translate is not always effective, as I got so many laughs because of it. But I’m not nagging, it was my savior on my date in China.

Thank God, my Chinese woman’s heart was golden and she went above and beyond to help us have a decent conversation.

Jia, if you are reading this, thank you for showing me so many cool places, you are just awesome!

Cultural differences

Another big thing that might be a challenge for a foreigner is adapting to the dating culture in China. Dating customs and expectations are different in China and the US, while Chinese women are used to emphasis on family and traditional women’s roles, westerners are more used to individualism.

Also, Chinese culture put an emphasis on stability, harmony, and filial piety, while American one prioritizes personal fulfillment and happiness. Such things can seem minor, but they might cause a lot of difficulties.

Despite the challenges, I got so many incredible opportunities to see the world from a new perspective. And I think that couples that learn how to overcome so many differences grow way stronger than any local couples.

Tips for a Successful Relationship with Young Women in China

And to help all my readers to have a successful relationship with one of the Chinese girls I got some practical tips for dating Chinese women ready for you.

  1. Get your culture game on. Show genuine interest in Chinese culture. You don’t need to cite Wikipedia or something, but from my experience knowing local customs and traditions is seen as unlocking bonus boyfriend points.
  2. Show a desire to meet her family. Family is a big deal in traditional Chinese culture, so make sure that the family head likes you.
  3. Be okay with money talk. In China, stability is one of the key concepts, and that includes financial security and being able to provide for the family. So, show your Chinese girl that you are good in that area.
  4. Respect the role dance. 90% is that your woman will expect traditional gender roles. But don’t assume it right away, talk and remember that a relationship is a two-way dance.
  5. Show that you are all in. Something that I noticed right away, is that many Chinese women assume that you are dating even if you went out on one date. That’s because girls from China value stability and commitment. So, if you are ready be clear about your intentions.

If you are ready to make your relationship with a Chinese lady an A-game, follow my advice, and educate yourself more about relationships in the country.




Philippe Berry

I’m Philippe Berry, a dating coach for men and your companion for love adventures