What I Realized After Dating Mexican Women

Philippe Berry
5 min readMar 20, 2024

My exploration of Mexico started in Mexico City, where my plane landed after a surprisingly easy 12-hour flight.

No crying babies this time! Yay!

I slept almost all the way and came very energized to explore the Mexican culture and relationships — and, of course, to search for a beautiful Mexican woman to ask on a date.

But let’s put my romantic endeavors aside for now and see what I learned about single Mexican women during my time in the country.

Before we get started — take a look at one of the best Mexican dating sites from my personal experience LatiDate

Mexican women tend to dominate beauty pageants

Mexican women rule the international beauty contest scene. Mexico is the ultimate beauty powerhouse, having taken home a staggering 3 Miss Universe crowns, 6 victories, and 62 placements.

These ladies know how to showcase a Mexican woman’s traits of beauty, confidence, and elegance all around the world!

But I don’t want to make you think that all Mexican girls look like models or only think about beauty and pageants. Yet, an average Mexican woman is very beautiful. Like many Latina women, Mexicans have long, luscious hair and hot figures.

Your Mexican girlfriend will be very passionate

Well, I’m not just talking about sex (but that, too).

As far as Mexican women personality traits go, being passionate is at the top of them — that is true for all Latin American women. These ladies are fire. They can either ignite your passion, love, and desire or burn you to the ground just by looking at you.

There’s something irresistible about their natural reactions and zero tolerance for crossing their boundaries.

Mexican ladies love to have a good meal

Mexican cuisine is exquisite, and Mexican women play an important part in preserving it. They cherish the family recipes and are kitchen superheroes, conjuring up authentic and tasty delicacies.

When I’m just thinking about the tamales and enchiladas I was lucky to try, my mouth is watering!

Also, food is an important part of the dating culture, as Mexican ladies know what places to pick that serve next-level dishes. And I noticed that many ladies love to cook (one of the big benefits of dating a Mexican woman 😉) for their families and partners — and talk about food a lot.

Many Mexican women have an entrepreneurial gene

Do you know what’s awesome about Mexican women?

They’re completely dominating the corporate sphere! Mexican ladies are stepping up as entrepreneurs and business leaders, which is having a significant influence on the Mexican economy.

These females are all about promoting innovation, creating growth, and making things happen. However, they don’t just have a career-driven vibe, as many American women do.

Mexicans have a strong influence from the Catholic church and family, which makes them want the best of both worlds. They strive for education and careers but still want traditional families and children.

Read more about my experiences in Mexico

Do’s and don’ts of dating a woman from Mexico

Here are some things to know when dating a Mexican woman.


  • Display an interest in her background and traditions. It’s an awesome chance to connect with your Mexican lady, learn about traditional gender roles, and find out what Mexican men are expected to do.
  • Learn some Spanish. It will help break the ice and demonstrate that you care.
  • Be a gentleman. It’s a common thing for all Latin women, as they like traditional courting. So opening doors and paying attention to your date’s needs is essential.
  • Express your feelings and devotion. Expressing your affection and making your date feel unique is a route to a successful relationship.


  • Avoid stereotypes. Treat your Mexican girlfriend like a person, not just a Mexican.
  • Take it easy and don’t put too much pressure on intimacy. Allow things to evolve naturally and read your date’s cues about becoming more intimate.
  • Respect her family’s customs and traditions. They are very significant in Mexico.
  • No machismo. You may think that girls are into it, but most Mexican women avoid it like fire.

Remember that everyone is unique, that’s why open dialogue and respect are essential. Enjoy the adventure of getting to know your Mexican woman online or offline and building a great relationship with her!

Challenges in dating Mexican Women

Gorgeous women from Mexico have many great features and might be a great match for Westerners. However, I don’t want you to assume that getting that perfect match is a piece of cake.

To help you understand what challenges you may face, your loyal TravellingFrenchMan gathered some of the main ones for you.

Language barrier can make communication harder

Communication might be difficult if you do not speak Spanish fluently. Mexico has very low English proficiency.

But don’t worry; learning a few Spanish words can help bridge the gap and demonstrate that you’re making an attempt.

Cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings or even cultural shock

Mexico stands out with its unique customs and traditions. Understanding and appreciating cultural differences is the only way to make it work. Be prepared that it’ll take some time to adjust to one another’s habits and expectations.

Some of the things that can have cultural shock effects are:

  • Closeknit nature of Mexican families and their involvement in everyday life
  • A relaxed attitude toward time
  • Lots of physical interactions with not-that-close people (hugs, kisses on the cheek, and disregard for personal space get time to get used to, believe me)

Also, if you aim for a more serious relationship, Mexican dating culture peculiarities may add some challenges.

Long-distance relationships

From my experience, long-distance relationships can be tough. Staying connected and finding quality time might be difficult if you and your partner are apart.

But many people make it work!

To overcome the language barrier, cultural differences, and distance, couples should work on trust, patience, and communication. Try to do regular check-ups to see that both of you are on the same page.

FAQ from readers about dating Mexican women

  • Have you been on a date with a Mexican girl? How do you like it?
    I’m not the type to kiss and tell, but I’ve been on a couple of dates with Mexican girls. They were awesome! The Mexican singles I’ve met were easy-going and fun; I had a great time.
  • Do Mexican women like foreign men?
    From my experience, yes. Don’t think that all girls are crazy about marrying a foreign guy; most women are very open-minded and curious about relationships with foreigners. And international relationships in Mexico are not something new; they are common and socially accepted.
  • What to expect when marrying a Mexican woman?
    The first thing to expect after marrying a Mexican lady is to learn Spanish. Jokes aside, local girls make the ideal match for Westerners, as they have just the right amount of “traditional” that makes them cherish family while not being prudes.



Philippe Berry

I’m Philippe Berry, a dating coach for men and your companion for love adventures