What I Realized After Dating Thai Women

Philippe Berry
3 min readJun 13, 2024

Here are a few things to know when dating a Thai woman that I’ve noticed.

#1. Most Thai Ladies Have Nicknames

In Thai culture, people frequently have nicknames that differ from their formal names. Thai women, in particular, often have nicknames based on physical aspects or character traits, like Som (orange), Noina (custard apple), or Oy (sugarcane).

#2. Women Are Smarter than Guys in Thailand

If you wonder what are Thai women like, looking at gorgeous Thai women, I think smart won’t be the first thing that pops into your mind. But according to a UNESCO assessment, Thai women are more likely than males to go for postsecondary education and also have greater rates of literacy.

#3. She’ll Take You to Karaoke

Thai women adore singing, and karaoke is a common hobby among Thais. So, don’t be surprised if your Thai date insists on going to karaoke on the first date. After all, it’s going to be fun.

Do’s and Don’ts of Dating a Woman from Thailand

I made so many notes on insights about dating Thai women that I want to share with all my readers. So here are some main do’s and don’ts.


  • Show respect. Being polite, respectful, and avoiding confrontations are important parts of Thai communication style shaped by their history, religion, and customs.
  • Be interested in Thailand. You don’t need to cite historical books or local poets to wow your Thai girl, but a genuine interest in the culture will be a huge plus.
  • Be romantic and courteous. I’ve noticed that ladies from the country are into big romantic gestures, like surprise dates or romantic getaways. So, be a gentleman and make an effort to add romance to your relationship.


  • Don’t treat your girl just like a Thai. Local people hate when they are judged based on stereotypes. I’ve heard too much nagging about it. So, never treat your girls as just Thai and focus on her individuality, personality, and values.
  • Don’t touch the head. It’s a weird one, but just don’t do it. The head is a sacred place for any Thai female or male.
  • Don’t put pressure on anything. Thailand is a place where people value modesty and care a lot about their reputation, especially since there is a lot of pressure on women. So, regardless if you are with one of the elite or bar girls, don’t be pushy.

Challenges in Dating Thai Women

I was dating a Thai woman for a week, but I had already faced challenges. So let’s take a look at the most common ones.

Language Barrier

That wasn’t a big deal for me, as my date, thankfully, was fluent in English (she studied in the US). But talking to other people in Thailand, I felt stupid a lot of times because I didn’t know the language. Not being able to speak any language of the Southeast Asia region was a big pain of mine that led to awkward situations and miscommunications. Can you only imagine how hard it is to meet Thai women offline not knowing Thai?

Cultural Differences

Modern dating culture in Thailand is different from relationships in France or America, and in many ways, the reason lies in Thai culture. Local people put a lot of value on family and respect and avoid speaking directly about negative things (a common thing in other countries of Asia). It takes time to adjust to those differences and a lot of patience to make it work. But there are many international couples that marry and start a family abroad despite the difficulties.



Philippe Berry

I’m Philippe Berry, a dating coach for men and your companion for love adventures