Co-Creating with God

The Tribe Lagos
The Tribe Stories
Published in
5 min readJan 17, 2020

To live is to create. You have God’s image, so you can create like Him. The creative capacity of the human spirit has been greatly underestimated. You are the co-author of your life. You don’t predict the future, you create it. Your true self is best positioned not to react but to create. It must learn to co-create reality by harnessing its power of thought.

You create the reality of your life through identification with Christ, a realization of your union with Him and the choice to co-create with Him. You need to remind yourself of your oneness and union with the Ultimate creator! What Jesus is to the Father, you are as well.

Part of the joy is the freedom to tap into your Christ-self and create a better reality rather than being enslaved to your imposed narrative. There is a creative force in your life and chaos around you is only a backdrop to create. God shares his sovereignty with man, and his creative capabilities. The creative abilities that birthed the galaxies into existence exist within you. If you knew how powerful your thoughts were, you would never entertain a negative thought ever again. You are the co-creator of your destiny, with your thoughts you create and weave your reality.

Christ set an example for us, he created over and over again not just with his imagination but with his words, because what you think, you speak. His life was full of creative miracles. Look at life from the vantage point of the conquest of Christ. You need to tap into your new identity to design brave ideas that don’t conform to convention. You need to tap into your new identity to reshape your world. Your thoughts should not only reflect reality but transform it, from a place of initiative, not reaction.

As He has restored all things in union, so has He restored your creative abilities, you and your creative abilities are now anew in Christ.

2 Corinth 5: 17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away. Behold, the new has come!

The true self is found in Christ, in fact, your true self is Christ. It is the self that is powered by union life in God. It can override the old opinion of your false self by rooting you in the truth of who you are in Christ. It’s of God; fully redeemed and restored. It is made in the image and likeness of the Creator.

Through the union life with God, you do not think yourself into new ways of living, you live yourself into new ways of thinking. Sin is birthed from a wrong belief of your identity. The real spiritual battle is to take captive every thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ in your life.

2 Corinth 10: 5 We tear down arguments, and every presumption set up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

You have the opportunity to awaken Christ, His beauty and glory in others. Healing the mind or harming the mind is a function of which seed is planted in it.

You must constantly interrogate your thoughts with God’s word and promises, to ensure they empower and not disempower you or others. You must investigate your worldview to allow you to function in the new and in the mind of Christ, and soon you will be able to create and recreate even more. Your false self is only a fragment of you.

Your true self is not distinct or separate from God it is in union with him. It is your true self that partakes of the infinity of God. Your focus must be on the process of continually dying to the false self, so you can grow into the true self, creating new meaning and identity. You must create an environment that will enable you. Start becoming more aware of your inner conversation. Engage in meditation on the word of God to remind yourself of what is true about you. Create your affirmations based on God’s word and declare them.

Your language must also be one of victory and not victimization, one of redemption and not depravity. No matter how long anxiety and depression have ruled over you, as you renew your mind with the word, you will soon recognize the growing sense of peace, calm, happiness, love and healing within you.

Through union life with Christ, each of us is given the opportunity to go inward not just to break the negative pattern, but to create new meaning and a new reality. Perhaps, you are not aware that you don’t have to suffer. Let this serve as adequate notice. Take the list of all that is wrong and turn into positive affirmations. The key to happiness is identification with Christ, in whom you are hidden, in God. Choose to draw from there. That is the choice that changes everything; it changes the lens and not what is seen. Jesus always withdrew from the crowd, to connect with His authentic union life within. So also, you need to detach from the noise in order to reconnect to your divine voice.

Thoughts like seeds have the power to reproduce supernaturally. Be deliberate about who God says you are and don’t negotiate that. God is not the one torturing you, your thought process is your issue. What you believe you create. What you believe is revealed in how you live. In this year, participate with God and plant the right seeds. May you come into what is true about you.

Written by Ferdy Adimefe

Ferdy Adimefe is a serial entrepreneur passionate about culture and creative industrialization. He curates expressions centred on faith, innovation and technology. He is a Father, Husband, Author and conference speaker; He is also a Pastor at The Tribe Lagos.



The Tribe Lagos
The Tribe Stories

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