The Power to Create — How to Access it

The Tribe Lagos
The Tribe Stories
Published in
8 min readAug 26, 2020

Christianity has so many expressions, and in Nigeria, there seem to be two popular paths. I’m not referring to denominational expression but mostly to theology and expression of belief.

One path focuses on our separation from God rooted in an emphasis on the fall of man as highlighted in Genesis 3; this school of thought projects God as distant, far from us, and throwing down thunderbolts at any error.

The second (and oftentimes not so popular) school of thought emphasizes on a united identity with God pulling reference to God’s original intent of sharing his nature with man in Genesis 1:26–27. The latter focuses on God’s personality and how the love from the Trinity birthed man before focusing on the fall and redemption.

At The Tribe, we draw our identity and source from the fact that we are born primarily from a loving relationship — a close-knit relationship within the Trinity. We understand that we share the nature of our Father in every way. God’s power to create is ingrained in our DNA and he ordained humanity when he said:

“Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” — Genesis 1:26

When we emphasise who we truly are not, that is, on the fall from that state, we short-change ourselves.

If we dwell on the news of being separated from God after the fall and the tragedy of the original sin, we lose out on God’s original intent of living in unity with us forever. When Jesus was on earth he gave us a glimpse into this reality and in John 15, he further highlighted this.

Christ set an example for us. God is not far away from us — in Christ, He lives within us (as He has always intended). He is in us, we are in Him. We are completely united; our thoughts are His, the life we live is no longer ours, it’s His. He’s living out His dreams and plans through us.

“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” — Galatians 2:20

In the ideology of separation, God is found by man. There is a whole economy built on it (prayer mountains, conferences, revivals, etc.). People are exploited as they seek ways to reconnect with this distant God who they have been made to believe they don’t or may never have access to unless they consult the oracles who can petition God on their behalf.

Note: These activities are not the problem, the mindset that drives them is the issue. Man has turned what is supposed to be a way of life into a myriad of activities.

The truth that Christ brought us the very day the veil tore was this: you are just a meditation away, a faith-based thought, or prayer away, a whisper away from “accessing God.”

Do not turn ‘living in the present with God’ into an activity you perform or a place you visit. You are divine. That was the mission of Christ: to reunite us to our original state as sons of God, sons of divinity.

Marriage is a typology of the union-life in Christ, but it does not compare to the marriage Christ has called you to. In Christ, you have all that Christ already has.

“By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvellous glory and excellence.” — 2 Peter 1:3

With the message of separation, most believers are focused on earning God’s love, but let’s think about this in our context. Every son is already aware of how much access he has. The Father’s love is not something you earn, it is something you have! Everything God has, you have access to. Do not become a slave because you made a mistake. Reject that programming of religion.

God wants us to involve Him in every area of life, even those areas we have not previously identified Him with. God is creative, sweet, funny, fun, energetic, artistic as well as kind, faithful, and eternal. We must understand that God exists in all spheres beyond just holy and righteous. God is all-encompassing and more. God is magnanimous.

Many Christians seem to have outsourced their God-given essence back to God. We have been given the creative ability of God himself, the capability to change and to create. Once God completed creation, He did everything He wanted to do through men. That was His plan from the beginning — Give birth to responsible children who will take on from where He stopped. God bound himself to this principle, hence, when it was time to name the animals, God didn’t come to name the animals, Adam did!

God does not demand anything that He has not already supplied. Your faith in God is already supplied, even your hearing and believing was already supplied by God. It was not your hearing the word that changed you, it was the content of the living logos (supplied by God) that saved you.

If God is abundance, you have abundance. If God is creative, you are creative. God gives lavishly, haven’t you noticed this? When God gives, He gives expressly and holds nothing back.

“He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all — how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?” — Romans 8:32

God is not about empty promises — He never just tells us He loves us; He shows us that He loves us.

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” — Romans 8:38–39

Since we know that we are completely loved by our Father who is in no way distant and who has given us all that we need to win in life, why do we still fear and fret? The power to create the life and future we want lies within us. Just as God did in the beginning — He spoke, what are you speaking today?

Like your Father, You must craft the world and life you want with your words, intentionally and consistently. Program your life with your affirmations based on Faith in God’s spoken word.

“As it is written, “I have made you a father of many nations”) in the presence of Him whom he believed — God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did.” — Romans 4:17

When you are speaking you are playing God. You are being an extension of your Father. Craft the future you want, the partner you want, the family you want, the jobs you want with your words.

Every day as you wake up, look ahead of the day, speak the best parts of your day before they ever happen. Be deliberate about the words you speak.

In Christ, we saw the full vision of God. Christ did not begin to exist when Jesus was born of Mary. He took on a new personality in a bodily form called Jesus Christ.

Every civilization is an actualization of God’s dream in men. God planned a dream and Christ authored it. Christ is the dreamer in you. There is only one vision God wants and that is the flourishing of men.

Your authentic identity lies in living out your God-given expression through Christ — That is your true authentic voice.

Do not conceal your voice, there is a reason God gives men passions. No nation can change without reformers.

Reformers bear the burden to birth God’s vision on this earth. You came with a reformer’s agenda. If you ignore it, you ignore it to your peril. God seeks to reform all things. Your gifts and talents are God’s gifts to the world. Your gift is God’s gift to you. When God gives men dreams, he sends partners and resources also. The power in the unity of men are unstoppable, even God recognizes this:

“Look!” God said. “The people are united, and they all speak the same language. After this, nothing they set out to do will be impossible for them! — Genesis 11:6

The voice of God in you is the voice of reformation but you must come into alignment with Him so your implementation does not bring you and the world around you into chaotic situations. Moses became a fugitive because he did not know how to direct the passion he had. He had a reformer’s burden but had not yet learned to let the voice of God direct him.

God has called you even as you may be in the middle of a diverse crisis. Like Moses who found himself within many crises, when he came of age, he forsook Pharaoh’s bread. Are you ready to forsake Pharaoh’s bread?

Or like Jonah who until he got into the fish, never embraced his reformer’s call. When you speak small about yourself, you negate the fact that God put you here for such a time as this. God put you here because you have what it takes. GOD knew the pain ahead of you and He knew you could handle it. Every time you embrace your reformer’s call you are letting God express himself through you.

God has called us to reform the world, to dominate, you here on His behalf, to rise above all the things of this world.

Do not be full of you and your lusts, there’s more for you. You are here to solve problems, to fix the world, to be hands and feet of God. Pray to the Father to bring you into full alignment with his will.

God is all about bringing heaven to earth. God is set to bring the fullness of his kingdom to the earth through men, he came so we could have and enjoy life (here and beyond) and enjoy it abundantly.

For further reading: John 10:10, Isaiah 61, John 1:1–3, Hebrew 1:1–3 and Colossians 1:12–17

This is an excerpt from a Sermon taught at the Tribe. Watch the full video — Watch full sermon HERE.

Transcribed Ifeoma Nwakalor.



The Tribe Lagos
The Tribe Stories

God Lovers, Experiencing and Expressing the very Heart of our Father | Meet us at Ahava Cafe, 7 Wole Olateju Street, Opp Access Bank, Off Admiralty Lekki Phase1