Announcing our new partner — Forseti

Tony Kent
Thetta DAO Framework
2 min readJul 30, 2018

DAO Framework <-> Reputation Framework

Forseti, which offers reputation management for expert communities, and, which provides an open-source decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) framework, announced today that they are partnering to foster the creation of DAOs to empower the economy without intermediates. Forseti will provide a reputation protocol to incentivize DAO participants and a dispute resolution mechanism.

According to this announcment:

  • Thetta will use Forseti Reputation Framework to incentivize DAO participants and Forseti will utilize Thetta DAO Framework modules to build truly decentralized expert communities.

Alex Nikolaev, founder of, said, “The organizations of tomorrow will be decentralized, so reputation and fair Dispute resolution will be the main building block for such organizations. That’s why we are so excited to join forces with Thetta to battle test our protocol.”

Anton Akentiev, founder of, added, “We at Thetta believe Forseti will help us build a better product. We are pleased to announce that we now have a strong DRM expert as our partner!”

About Forseti

Forseti — The Trust layer for a Decentralized economy. Our vision is to create an open, permissionless, decentralized reputation protocol that can be connected and used by any D`app .Forseti use cases : dispute resolution (DRM), data feed for blockchains (oracles, event reporting for smart contracts), subjective TCR.
Learn more on the Follow Forseti on Medium or Twitter or join our community.


Thetta DAO Framework is an open-source framework to help you build the Decentralized Autonomous Organization of your dreams. It’s free and open to everybody. The framework offers subsystems including: Permission, Governance, Token Management, Reputation, MoneyFlow, Project Management, etc. The code is modular, so you can use different subsystems almost independently. You can also use out-of-the-box DAO schemes or design your own organization on top of them.

