EthBerlin 2018 recap

Tony Kent
Thetta DAO Framework
2 min readSep 27, 2018

It was a fantastic week in autumn Berlin…

First of all, i would like to thank the Ryanair pilots for striking and cancelling all flights RIGHT when i was supposed to flight back from Berlin!!!

About the EthBerlin 2018 hackathon

EthBerlin is a whole week of hackathons and workshops organized by a group of cryptogeeks and enthusiasts, it took place in Berlin and gathered together more than 500 participants from all over the world — 60 international teams competed for prizes of sponsors.

Trail of Bits security workshop

Among the whole bunch of events our personal best was the smart contracts security workshop by TrailOfBits company. That were the best 6 hours (100+ slides) of workshop we’ve ever had!

During the hackathon we met a lot of cool new friends: Smartz, MixBytes, Relevant Community, Fluence, Matter, Cyber.Academy, ParsecLabs and got acquainted to lots of other fascinating projects. For sure, our paths will cross again and we will keep an eye on their development.

Project we built (Pully)

We have built a direct-debit system that utilizes Thetta DAO Framework in the underwriter module.

Direct Debit is a simple concept that has widespread usage in today’s economy. It allows a payee to get a “pull” permission from a payer to withdraw money from their account. It’s the 3rd most popular payment method in the UK, the source of 25% of all transactions in Germany and accounts for 45% of all banking transactions in the Netherlands. It’s also extremely regulated, often limited to domestic transfers only or requires jumps through regulatory hops (like the UK direct debit guarantee). This method can be used for recurring payments and/or subscriptions.

Direct debit is a very simple idea, but things get more complicated when side B withdraws more than it is allowed to (this is called an “overdraft”). For this case we issued the Dharma debt-token. Also we wanted to integrate our solution with Thetta (so you will be able to vote to select the underwriter), Status (so you can use a bot to withdraw money), Dharma (to issue debt tokens) and DutchX (so you can sell your debt tokens on an auction).

More info available here —

We even won a special prize by Dharma:


We are very glad that we had an opportunity to take part in this awesome event. We would like to thank the Ethereum foundation, community and sponsors! See you next time!

Btw, here is a review of EthBerlin 2018 week by Stepan Gershuni that is worth reading —

