Robonomika 2018 smart city conference

Tony Kent
Thetta DAO Framework
2 min readAug 31, 2018

Thetta team (Anton and Kirill) participated at the Robonomika 2018 conference which was held by Airalab guys in Togliatti, Russia.

“Fireplace, river, camp site and blockchain experiments: «Robonomics-2018» summer school on smart city development took place in Togliatti on Volga river bank.

This year Airalab team, which focuses on the development a decentralised Ethereum platform Robonomics, created a “smart city” simulation — or better say, a “smart tent city” with autonomous p2p network — and gave everyone an opportunity to become its citizens. Three groups took part in the school’s activities, who managed to test their achievements in the field of sensor networks, industry 4.0 and mobile robotics. Such an unusual project is a result of three-years of experiments.”
(read full article here)

DAO symbol drawn by robot

Thetta team presented the project and ran a DAO workshop.

Also, as a cool side-effect, Thetta partnered with Evercity project, a security token accelerator/fund focused on smart cities.

