Board Games

15 of the Hottest Board Games! (Outside of the BGG Top 100)

The Ugly Monster
Published in
8 min readJan 12, 2022


Travel the Dark Road!

It’s a new year and there are so many great new games to enjoy. We truly live in the golden age of hobby board games. I thought I’d start off the year by bringing you 15 of the hottest games that are currently (not yet) in the BGG Top 100.

I’ve tried to include an emphasis on newer and even unreleased games so hopefully, there is something new here for everyone. Here we go!

#15 Welcome to…

“Design the most appealing 1950s neighborhood, with fences, parks, and swimming pools.”

Fences!!! Oh yeah! A family game about city-building with game mechanics including Bingo, Contracts, Pattern-Building, and Simultaneous action selection, from solo-12 players. I believe there is even an implementation of it on Board Game Arena.

#14 Rajas of the Ganges

A great game

“Manage your dice to build profitable markets and grand monuments in historic India.” One of the best “new to me” games in 2021. I’m hoping to get more plays of Rajas in very soon! I like the dice play and interesting income/scoring track. The river mechanic reminds me of Lewis and Clark even though they are both a bit different.

#13 Near and Far

From the designer of another game much higher on my list — Ryan Laukat — Near and Far lets us “Explore the lands to discover the Lost Ruins and become the most storied traveler.”

Featuring game mechanics such as Card Drafting, Dice-Rolling, Narrative Choice, Route-Building, and Worker Placement — Near and Far might be just the right Euro for you.

#12 T.I.M.E. Stories

A love it or hate it set of adventures with a fascinating and never-before-attempted set of mechanisms. You are tasked with going back in time to solve problems of a most important nature. You’ll have as many chances as you need to repeat your mission but you’ll score best if you complete missions in as few trips to the past as possible.

I find the concept still fresh even after all of these years and still worth delving into. There are also several expansions to pick up if you end up enjoying the base game.

#11 Bitoku


This game features what may be the busiest and most colorful mainboard in all of board gaming! Bitoku has stayed at the top of the Hotness Chart for many months now and continues to garner lots of attention on both social media and in gaming circles. A heavy Euro with a Asian fantasy theme.

#10 Beyond the Sun

“Collectively develop a tech tree to fuel the automation and colonization of space.”

A solid and streamlined strategy game. Players develop technologies to unlock branches of an ever more powerful tech tree and build up fleets to colonize star systems.

The art is minimalist, and the components as well. I’m not sure the price point provides enough value but the game is quite popular and is said to be more balanced now after some minor errata.

#9 Obsession

“Renovate an estate, manage servants, and pursue romance in Victorian England.” Build a deck of Victorian Gentry, get their houses in order, and manipulate staff to win this unique board game.

A well-liked game from 2018. Obsession incorporates Deck-Building, Card-Drafting, and Tile-Placement. Check it out!

#8 Radlands

“Post-apocalyptic people fight to destroy the rival tribe’s camps.” This new release has been gaining steam and much praise from reviewers and gamers alike. In this 2-player, competitive, dueling card game — players will fight for water and actively deal their opponent's “take that” effects to achieve domination.

The art is gnarly! In a good way…an 80s way!

#7 Merchants of the Dark Road

“Brave the peril of the dark road traveling between cities to earn fame and fortune.” A rondel action game in which players collect and produce resources to use for their journeys. Players will hire local heroes to travel with them for protection. These adventurous merchants can even explore dungeons in search of magical items!

Earn money and fame to ensure your victory!

#6 Cascadia

So tranquil

This one might actually climb into the BGG Top 100 in 2022! “Create the most harmonious ecosystem as you puzzle together habitats and wildlife.”

Already ranked the #2 Abstract Board Game and #17 Family Game — Cascadia seems to be on top of the world!

In Cascadia, players will lay puzzle tiles and draft tokens that represent habitats and wildlife. The components in Cascadia are both attractive and colorful.

Cascadia looks like a fun “Gateway +” game that is easy to set up and play quickly.

#5 Townsfolk Tussle

What’s not to like?

“In a vintage cartoon universe, work together to defend your town from pesky ruffians.”

You had me at “vintage cartoon universe”. Wow, what a cool-looking game. Panic Roll has assembled a tremendous team if the theme and presentation are any indications.

At the end of the day, Townsfolk Tussle is a funny, cooperative, Boss Battler for 2–5 players. Players must take down 4 “unique hoodlums” also known as pesky ruffians…sorry I had to mention that again. I love the descriptives in this game.

You equip your townsfolk with gear, explore the town of Eureka Springs, and develop strategies with your team to defeat your enemies. I wouldn’t mind having this game just to marvel at the artwork.

#4 Sleeping Gods

Another game that has been glued to the Hotness chart for months. I’ve wanted this game since the day I realized I couldn’t own it! I missed the Kickstarter campaign, and even after it came to retail I couldn’t find it as it sold out quickly.

In Sleeping Gods, players are crewmembers of the steamship Manticore, exploring the mysterious Wandering Sea. An open waters campaign game where players can travel wherever they desire. The game is mapped as an atlas book with each page revealing new corners of the world for exploration.

I really want to pick up this game but it might be quite some time until I do. I’m going to play Etherfields and ISS Vanguard first, I reckon.

#3 Rise of the Necromancers

“Are you evil? Maybe just a little?”

This 2018 release has rocketed up the Hotness chart on the coattails of its new Undead Sea expansion.

In this sinister game, you play as an ambitious mage with a taste for necromancy, and who wouldn’t want to be the life of the party? Advance your abilities as a necromancer and raise an undead army to overwhelm the forces of light.

#2 The Great Wall

Defend the Great Wall!

The latest offering from Awaken Realms! “Control ancient clans in China trying to defend against invading Mongolian hordes.”

The game mechanics in The Great wall include Worker/Soldier placement, Engine-Building, and an AI Attacking System. Play as generals defending the wall against the Mongolian onslaught. Work together at times, all the while maintaining your independent clan to gain the upper hand against fellow generals when the time comes.

If the wall is breached, all the players lose. At the same time, players must balance their personal goals with the group goal of not losing.

This game has a huge table presence and absolutely stunning component quality. The card art and game boards capture the feel of historical China, and the highly detailed miniatures are exactly what we’ve come to expect from Awaken Realms. The catapults and wall components look amazing.

#1 Ark Nova

A future classic?

This game has dominated the Hotness chart for the last couple of months with a stranglehold on the #1 position. “Design a modern zoo to run a successful park and to support conservation projects.”

A local player recently brought this to a coffee shop game day and I caught the tail end of a 2-player game of Ark Nova. Personally, I wasn’t convinced that this was the best new game but I’ll have to reserve too much judgment until I have a chance to play it for myself.

Ark Nova combines many popular game mechanics, including Card Drafting, Set Collection, Tile Placement, Variable Powers, and a rondel scoring/income tracker reminiscent of Rajas of the Ganges.

Ark Nova certainly has solid production quality. The materials look top-notch and the art is much nicer than some games it’s been compared to, like Terraforming Mars. A very influential content creator recently called Ark Nova an “evergreen game” on its way to the BGG Top 20! That’s certainly high praise.

What do you think? Are any of these new to you? Do any of them seem like good additions to your gaming collection? For me, T.I.M.E. Stories, Townsfolk Tussle, and Sleeping Gods would be the most likely to end up on my shelf but we will see what 2022 brings.

One more thing! I’d really appreciate it if you’d click the follow button, give a clap, or leave a comment. I’m hoping to make more interesting articles for you guys and those small gestures help with not just a writer’s motivation but also increase the chances that game publishers might want to work together on previews in the future. It’s also convenient and free to subscribe to email notifications for my articles delivered right to your inbox. Anyways, thanks for the support!

We already have a copy of a well-established game coming up for review from a major publisher! Let’s have a great Board Gaming 2022!

- theBoardGameNerd

