Poetry | Comics

Aunt May Isn’t Alive to Hate Spider-Man

Comic Book Haiku — Ultimate Spider-Man #3

Chad Parenteau
The Ugly Monster


Credit; Marvel Comics

As cute as this is,
I have an awful feeling
about Pete’s daughter.

Credit: Marvel Comics

How to tell a girl
Get away from your father
while she can still breathe!

Credit: Marvel Comics

If Aunt May isn’t
alive to hate Spider-Man,
Uncle Ben might do.

Credit: Marvel Comics

Matt Murdock’s a priest.
That means Bullseye has to be
A Spider-Man foe.

Credit: Marvel Comics

team-up was very last thing
I was expecting.

Credit: Marvel Comics

Peter meets Harry.
So much silence you can hear
a woman’s neck snap.

Credit: Marvel Comics

Coming next issue:
even more things are set up
that will end badly!

Credit: Marvel Comics



Chad Parenteau
The Ugly Monster

Poet for Hire. Link to buy my new book, The Collapsed Bookshelf, available via my website: www.chadparenteaupoetforhire.com