
Bloodthirsty Masculinity: The Northman

Despite a modest production and below average visual effects, the use of cinematography emulating Alfonso Cuaron creates a world where you never take your eyes off the screen.

Deniz Arslan
The Ugly Monster
Published in
2 min readJun 12, 2024



To be honest, I thought I was about to watch one of the classic historical war movies of the early 2000s.

Looking at the poster and watching the trailer, it looked like a delicious, juicy steak made to the expectations of an attention-starved male species at a time when masculinity is about to disappear into the dustbin of history.

However, when I started watching the film, I realized that my prejudice was wrong, that this film was a tribute to all the values of the art of cinema, a work of art created by people putting their hearts into it, far away from the chaos and confusion of the film industry and the soullessness of capitalism.

Despite a modest production and below average visual effects, the use of cinematography emulating Alfonso Cuaron creates a world where you never take your eyes off the screen.

