Poetry | Comics

Comic Book Haiku — Ultimate Spider-Man #2

Chad Parenteau
The Ugly Monster
Mar 7, 2024


Credit: Marvel Comics

Now we know young May
takes after her mother and
hates the black costume.

Credit: Marvel Comics

Peter Parker shows
it’s hard to start new career
the older you get.

Credit: Marvel Comics

Jonah Jameson
and Ben Parker is my new
favorite bromance.

They’re Marvel Comics
Statler and Waldorf, only
(slightly) less jaded.

Credit: Marvel Comics

Two whole issues in,
and we still don’t know Peter’s
job at The Bugle…?

Do modern papers
hire staff photographers
for a living wage…?



Chad Parenteau
The Ugly Monster

Poet for Hire. Link to buy my new book, The Collapsed Bookshelf, available via my website: www.chadparenteaupoetforhire.com