DC Comics

Comic Book Haiku — Unstoppable Doom Patrol #1

Chad Parenteau
The Ugly Monster
Mar 31, 2023


Talking gorilla!
Talking robot gorilla!
Is my work here done…?

Okay, I’ll go on.

I never wanted
Crazy Jane back in comics —
until this comic!

Bravo, Crazy Jane!
Batman called out for doing
everything badly.

Everything Crazy Jane says is correct.

New take on Hulk type.
“I like me when I’m angry
and being a jerk!”

One less gorilla?
Still recommend this comic
(just skip the last page).

I’m just blocking this last scene from my mind. Robot Gorilla Brain can come back any time. Really!



Chad Parenteau
The Ugly Monster

Poet for Hire. Link to buy my new book, The Collapsed Bookshelf, available via my website: www.chadparenteaupoetforhire.com