A drow in ad hoc grey and brown armor holds up a large purple flag. He wears a purple bandana over his mouth and nose. His pointed ears stick out. He holds a large pistol with a large magazine forward of the trigger, and wears a bandolier of bullets over his shoulder. in the background is a WANTED poster of a drow with an eye patch.
The Firebrand. Image from rowanrookanddecard.com.

Roleplaying Games | Fantasy | Revolution

‘Spire: The City Must Fall’ is a Giant Middle Finger to Tolkien and Gygax

Drow Are (Not) Terrorists

The Ugly Monster
Published in
7 min readOct 18, 2021


“You have joined the Ministry of Our Hidden Mistress, a paramilitary cult that worships a forbidden goddess, and sworn in blood to avenge the wrongs placed upon you and your people. You have made an oath to fight the high elves, to subvert and capture their resources, and to take Spire back into dark elf hands once more.”

- Spire: The City Must Fall, pg 1.

If you mashed up Lord of the Rings, Snowpiercer, Nazi-occupied France, and apartheid era South Africa, you’d get something like Spire: The City Must Fall. Spire is a dungeon punk roleplaying game about resisting an oppressive ethnostate. Players take the role of drow (dark elf) freedom fighters forced to do horrible things to free their people from the decadent and cruel aelfir (high elves).

Spire is nothing like D&D and its various knockoffs. There are no adventures in the borderlands. There are no moral or ethical…



The Ugly Monster

Publisher and Chief Editor of The Ugly Monster and Getting Into Chess. News junkie. Music lover. Game fanatic. Anti-conservative. Societal disaster.