
Giant Monster Reminds Us of The Virtue of Being Human

I think this film is the most obvious example of the triumph of Asian cinema

Deniz Arslan
The Ugly Monster
Published in
2 min readJun 6, 2024


Credit: Toho

Like many of you, I watched this movie at home on Netflix, but it was such an immersive experience that I swear I could smell popcorn. Godzilla Minus One tramples all the clichéd storytelling tropes of American cinema, and makes you feel like you are watching a ‘movie’ for the first time in a long time.

The most talked about thing about this movie is how good the visual effects are and that this is where it hits American cinema the hardest. But from a macro point of view, I think this film is the most obvious example of the triumph of Asian cinema, which has been demonstrated more and more in recent years.

Credit: Toho

Not only in cinema; Western civilization is morally, economically and socially decaying and losing its status as a ‘cultural power’. In the face of the western world becoming increasingly conservative and isolationist, and suffering economic and political instability, there is now an Asian market that is gaining self-confidence and making itself felt more and more…

