Wargaming | Hobbies

I Played My First Game of 40K in Years!

Hobby Blog #7 — An Army Assembled

The Ugly Monster


I’ve finally got enough Sisters together to make a 1000-point list. Not exactly optimal but good enough. Played against a Canoptek Necrons list at my local hobby shop and won!!! For the Emperor! Faith triumphs against the soulless Xenos! It was really fun and such a breath of fresh air after years of avoiding people in an anxious, Covid-induced fog.

I had to get a bunch of Sisters done in record time to get the list up to strength. Here they are.

I got my grubby mitts on one of the Combat Patrol boxes and first order of business was a new Rhino.

Next, I wanted to stretch out the Sisters kit I already had so I could field two squads of Dominions. I like their pre-game ability to get onto objectives and get other nasty troops up close to the enemies of the Emperor.

These squads were quite simple, combining a few leftover printed miniatures from the Reptilian Overlords’ Coven Squad with the GW miniatures in the Combat Patrol box. The thing I like about mono-pose minis is that it forces you to do conversions on them to get more variety. Even though most of these are just hand-transplants, doing conversions always makes me happy.

I am unreasonably pleased with the Sergeant with the power sword. It is such a simple arm swap but, as is so often the case, the most basic kitbashes come out looking much better than my more elaborate conversions.

On the subject of quiet rudimentary arm swaps: my new Preacher. He has fire for a hat and auto-pistols to better bring the Emperor’s light to the darkness.


I also got me an arch sinner. Somebody so irredeemable that the only solution was to put him in an engine of destruction, torture him and then fling him into the enemies of the emperor. I didn’t mess with this one at all. I just built him and painted. But I used oil washes to get a really grimy metal look that I haven’t really gone for in the rest of my Sororitas army. It felt right.


The enemies of mankind often employ vile Psykers to bring low the forces of the righteous with their witchery. Fortunately the Emperor in his wisdom provided tools to cast down their magics, reduce them to nought. And Heresy Lab has the best Culexus Assassin proxy out there. It is such a cool sculpt. I am not totally happy with the print. The detail on the face has not come out especially well. However, once painted up, it looks right. It was an opportunity to practice my edge highlighting and I think it came out well enough.


The Dirty Boys

I had a couple of interesting bits 3D-printed from Reptilian Overlords’ militia range. I combined them with the eternally fantastic GW militia kits to create some new rogues for my Stirling outlaws. I painted them up in dull greens, then washed them with brown oil paints to make them as dingy and muddy as possible. I used brown pigment on the bases to make them even more mucky.

The only one with a bit more flare is the highwayman, who is a Heresy Lab sculpt. I kept him within the same colour scheme as the others but with a bit more refinement. He is a Bandit Prince after all, not some low life cutpurse.

On the count of three run away!

The Ladies of Mordheim

Got two new-hired swords.

The Kislev Ranger

A lovely model by Heresy Lab. I got her printed out and used a cold blue and white scheme to make her pop. Her face is still a bit off, a bit lifeless, so I might need to have another go at her.

Elf Ranger

I have a large wood elf collection back home. While digging through the parts, I found enough stuff to make a pretty standard Glade Guard model. I gave her a few more knives for good measure. I was a little unsure what direction to take her in during painting. I felt that the greens and browns of the wood elves wouldn’t really fit in Mordheim, or if I dulled her down with brown oil, she would just look like the Stirling Bandits. So I went for greys and blacks instead, toned down with a black oil wash.

I didn’t want her to look human but I didn’t want to go for the super pale flesh you sometimes get with, say, Witch Elves. I went for a green base coat, then a layer of flesh tones and oil washes. You can’t see much of it, but I think it highlights that she is not human. It seems to me that an elf who has found their way into Mordheim has had something quite profoundly wrong in their life. I feel the paint job reflects that.


I bought a big, evil-looking fish from a toy shop, cut it up and painted it bronze to look like a statue. Then I built a scaffolding round it to give the impression that the statue was never finished and now strange cults come to leave offerings to their pike-fish god. It’s big. It’s dumb. I look forward to a character falling off the top platform in a dramatic duel-like situation and will do everything I can in my next game to make it happen.

It’s been a good hobby month.

