Television | Fantasy

House of the Dragon and the Value of Keeping it Simple

Is someone learning from past mistakes?

Giulia Picciau
The Ugly Monster
Published in
6 min readNov 3, 2022



A Prequel? And Why?

As soon as I heard that there was going to be a prequel to Game of Thrones, I was gripped by a lot of conflicting feelings, ranging from high expectations to pure dread. On one hand, it was good to see that a saga I’ve loved was given a second life. But I also remembered clearly the letdown the last couple of seasons of GoT had been. What to expect from its prequel?

Prequels are a quite peculiar thing, if you think about it: they are meant to tell a story whose ending is already known. They must keep the audience engaged with twists and turns even though they already know the outcome of the characters’ actions. It’s a hard thing to do, especially if we consider how bitter fans of Game of Thrones were after the series ended.

The Realm of the Dragons

Daemon Targaryen and his dragon ©HBO

All the doubts and fears weren’t strong enough to prevent me from watching the show: once again, curiosity won.



Giulia Picciau
The Ugly Monster

Passionate about storytelling in all of its forms. Disconnected rambles about pop culture and music. Come visit at