
It’s Always Sunny In My Home | Don’t Get Got - I’m Counting #4

I'm Counting
The Ugly Monster
Published in
3 min readMay 8, 2020


You know that feeling where someone may be out to get you? You’re not sure on how or the context, but your gut is telling you it’s coming? I’ve recently read that gut feelings are really just your subconscious picking up clues on what may occur. In fact, it’s believed most of our decision processing happens outside of our consciousness.

Don’t Get Got! is a psychological thriller inside a poorly constructed box and riddled with inaccurate gut feelings. Something as simple as a *hug* can devolve into a point of contention between two people.

Box art.

Needless to say, this is the best worst game I’ve ever played.

As a part of quarantine I figured a background game for the home would be the perfect way to keep us entertained. Don’t Get Got! costs less than a meal for three at Taco Bell. A bargain if you're looking for an affordable way to hate each other. Who knew that so much fury could be packed into a small tiny cube. It’s literally exploding with abhorrence as the glued Velcro latches are popping off after a month on my shelf. My attempt at entertaining us was well received initially. The game is straight forward; get the other player to perform the action on a card. If the other player claims that this must be for the game, you fail that task. If you get them to accomplish the task, you succeed. There are five random action cards and one that cannot be failed. Everyone’s favorite: “Guess what?” and if the other player says “What?” you succeed.

My mission wallet during solo play.

After a few tries the “Guess What?” game gets old. So, you need to get creative. I’ve awoken my bed-mate early in the morning with a faint “Guess what?”. I’ve jumped into a room full of commotion and yelled “GUESS WHAT?” I’ve even premeditated with my sister to call someone and shockingly ask “Guess what?”. That last one I was proud of. Bubbling rage filled their eyes after I announced my gottem! Honestly, I wouldn’t have been surprised if I was single and living in my car at that point. You may think I’m over exaggerating but the ancillary fury I received for the rest of the evening hit harder than Thor’s hammer on a Surtur Minion.

Don’t Get Got! will make you hate who you’re living with. It is scientifically proven. This is a good thing in my humble opinion. Zoe Lee & James Vaughan did such a fantastic job with the basic concept of annoyance that this box of contention is near perfect for splendidly spinning your guests into a sporadic fit. But I can see how this may not be for everyone. Fear not, however! I have deduced a mechanism by which you can play while the other remains happy.

Play by yourself.

Yes, in this lonely world I have succumbed to succeeding on tasks with no real opponent. And, yes, I’m happy about it.

This post was short & sweet, what did you think? Please, feel free to let me know your thoughts.

~please excuse any grammar or spelling errors~

© 2020 I’m Counting



I'm Counting
The Ugly Monster

I’m counting is a one-person board game writer to help unpack what makes games great.