Fantasy | Roleplaying Games

Kennan’s Floral Folly — a solo play report of ‘A Floral Fantasy’


sean f. smith / he, him
The Ugly Monster


Dramatis personae

  • KENNEN | SK.09 ST.17,06 LK.08,05 ¬ crush 3,2 ¬ terror 3,0 ¬ lament 3,3
    equipment | longspear d3, 1 provision
    notes | 17ŋ debt to brothel; due to be executed tomorrow at noon

Dramatic personage

  • enter formal gardens to a fountain chamber without a statue; single bower exit with budding flowers
  • head towards garden of picnic benches and dripping sound but attacked en route!
  • it attacks but misses, taking 1 damage on the counter; I press my assault and deal another 2; the beast withdraws
  • continue to picnic benches, take brief pause, ATTACKED AGAIN! its surprise just misses and I deal another 2 damage, then twist and attack but take a whopping bite for 6. it presses for another hit of 5 ─ and I’m down to 6 STAMINA!! I lean on my aggressive training and strike sure for 2 damage ─ the fiend again flees
  • take a moment to eat a provision, recovering 3
  • press on down one of four leafy bowers, ambushed AGAIN but the surprise goes wide and I jab my spear for 2 damage then twist it hard for a further 3; the creature tries to flee but it looks ruined so I try to stop it, but it just knows these paths better than me (it’s on 1 STAMINA ffs)
  • this garden has a potting shed and a load of torn uniforms. looks like others succumbed to the beast weeks ago. two additional exits from here, both with tight budding flowers
  • head along and motherfucker wouldn’t you know it but ambushed AGAIN!!! its bite is true and I take 5 damage ─ now I’m at 4. I lash out in panic and my spear lands true, finally piercing that nightmare beast’s heart and the thing thuds to the gravel path and I can finally get a proper look at it ─ long as an anaconda, wide as a rhino, wet as snot. it seems the work of sorcerers
  • on to another garden with picnic benches, though against the other hedgerow this time. take some time to scoff more provisions (gaining 2)
  • down another leafy path to a kitchen garden, its floor thick with brickdust and its beds growing strange black strawberries ─ I try one and they are pleasantly filling (recovering another STAMINA)
  • finally on towards the exit: another vegetable garden, though this one reeking of rot. there’s a trelliswork wardrobe of sorts too
  • I manage to leave the gardens and follow a simple underground stream miles downstream. those hours pass without stresses and I’m even able to catch a slight nap before my overland flight when dawn eventually breaks. away, Kennan, away!

Want to play through this module yourself?

It’s available on itch and DriveThru.

