Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker | D. Alexander Gregory

Magic: The Gathering

Magical Thinking: Conflux

Jessie Staffler
The Ugly Monster
Published in
7 min readMay 19, 2021


Welcome back to Magical Thinking, a look at the cards and art of Magic: the Gathering, set by set, from the beginning. This week we are looking at the second set from the Alara block: February 2009’s Conflux.

(Obnoxious announcer voice activated) Coming soon to Netflix is the new reality show you have to see to believe! Ages ago we broke the plane of Alara into five different realms each governed by three of the five mana colors: The noble and chivalrous Bant, the regimented and transhumanist Esper, the unliving hellhole Grixis, the predators paradise Jund, and the unchecked growth of Naya. For centuries these realms have existed apart, so what happens when we merge them back together? CAN’T-MISS COMEDY, FOLKS. It’s the new hit reality show that puts the chaos in planar chaos, it’s CONFLUX! Now streaming.

Okay, got that out of the way, let’s get onto the cards.

We start with a new keyword, Domain, which encourages you to have a five-color deck, representing the planes merging back together. Fun fact: this mechanic actually came from Invasion, but here is where it got named.

I believe this is the set that established Magic homunculi as their own race, and also made them blue skinned cyclops. I really dig this design.

This card feels like a throwback to the weirder, more abstract Magic cards of yesteryear. We need more Magic cards depicting weird stuff happening in them.

Apparently I was wrong about there not being any rhox outside of this block. They do show up here and there from time to time, and I think the setting is better for them. Love me some rhino monks.

Hey! Anew wall, it’s been a while. I’ll give Ali Baba a call and see if he’s available to deal with this.

So I guess that life has become more cumber stone because of this card.


Okay, I think when you start building a metal frame for the jellyfish, you need to take a step back, guys. There are some things don’t need to be cyborgs.

Hey, another way to get that Darksteel Colossus out early. That’s always fun. Also, I question how she’s alive because she’s missing a lot of body.

…But not as much body as this guy. Holy cow. I didn’t expect to see non-Grixis liches here but here we are.

Is this the start of using zombie wizards to represent liches in Magic?

Man, people from Bant are dicks. Also, Unsummon is one of the iconic Blue spells, and this is its iconic modern art which has been used ever since.

Oh hey, more guys who look like they leapt off the cover of a heavy metal album. Not that I’m complaining mind you. If there is one thing Grixis does well it’s getting you in the mood for some death metal. Heavy on the death.

So what you’re saying is that people from Grixis are immortal! SWEET! Although I do wonder where all the zombies come from then…unless…oh no.

And we got more rats. Been a while since we’ve seen some. Grixis is basically Pet Sematary on steroids.

Pretty sure that’s gonna be Mitch McConnell’s next campaign slogan.

Not gonna lie, that is a very cool looking hammer. It looks like you unscrew it and put hot coals into it to heat it up. I may have to use that weapon at some point in a game.

Oh MTG Goblins, never change.

The flavor text in this expansion has been on point.

Chameleon plus teef equals OH GOD NO.

Well their options aren’t great; they either get eaten by zombies, get eaten by giant animals, get eaten by magical cyborg jellyfish (seriously how is that a thing?) or get eaten by the aristocracy. Personally, I’d stick with the dragons.

It almost looks like Wayne Reynold’s take on Guiron (The Gamera monster, who looks like a giant knife lizard).

Did they make a soccer hooligan card?

I like this one because she’s a mana dork. But since she has exalted she does more even when you no longer need a dork, cause you’ll never attack with her for sure.

That might be a matter of opinion for some people. I think the Bant farmer who wakes up with a Grixis zombie or a Jund Dragon in his backyard may have conflicting opinions on how broken or not broken things are.

While Alara elementals aren’t as weird as Lorwyn/Shadowmoor ones, they do have their moments, like this big guy right here.

Holy shit, I think that’s the big worm-thing from Willow. It’s not just me, right?

Oh, crap! The space baby from 2001 a space odyssey is back, and they’re pissed off. GO GET THEM, BABY! GET YOU SOME!

Fusion is just a cheap tactic to make weak elementals stronger (And I know at least SOMEONE got that reference. See, I’m not just a curmudgeonly old fart, am I?)

Ted Dibiase, the Magic card. You can’t tell me someone hasn’t made a surrogate of this card with the Million Dollar Man on it.

I’m sure people will be lining up to seek the wisdom of the condescending robo-sphinx. You get more flies with honey, my dude.

Behold, Magic’s new Big Bad. Nicol Bolas will be Magic’s main villain for the next ten years or so. He’s come a long way since Legends where he was just an overcosted dragon.

And you thought the apocalypse hydra was badass? No, THIS hydra is a badass. He’s got protection from EVERYTHING. What have you got in your deck? Doesn’t matter because this guy no sells it. This is the John Cena card.

I like this card’s flavor. Rather than your guys doing the suicidal charge (which would not be out of character for either Black or Red), you are goading your opponent into doing the suicidal charge. It’s almost like you are making other decks play by your color’s rules.

She was later eaten by a dragon. I’m sorry, but maybe you should invest in more than debating skills if you are going to visit super-predator land or nightmare zombie world.

BONESAW IS READY! Hey, freakshow! You’re going nowhere, man, because you just read this sentence in your head with the voice of the Macho Man! OH YEAH, DIG IT!

Another neat bit of worldbuilding: With Alara coming back, some of the artifacts of the old world are coming back as well. I like that flavor.

Ah yes, cards that get rid of hand size limits. I always love those, although I prefer Sea Gate Restoration.

And with that, the conflux (hopefully) comes to a close. Join us next time with the final chapter of the Alara block. Will Alara be restored? Find out when we look at the next set, Alara Reborn. But until then, stay Magical.



Jessie Staffler
The Ugly Monster

Creative Writer looking to make money writing. Prefers to write stuff based on fantasy, Sci fi and horror