Roleplaying Games | Dungeon

Newton Handle megadungeon ─ [Lv3] Circusn’t

sean f. smith / he, him
The Ugly Monster
Published in
4 min readJan 25, 2023


high saturation image of the net of a coffin

tl;dr — The Platform (2019) meets Legend (1985) for part oneand part two

Each of the zones of the dungeon level are arranged much like a home: small connecting corridors and archways, functionally every room in a zone is connected to the others.

Passages between segments lead between vowel-keyed rooms. (The letter I has been replaced by the letter X so as not to be confused with the number 1.)

CN: clowns, bodyhorror, farts

Big Top

Within a great cavern is a huge faded circus tent. The spiral staircase leading from {2E} leads through its roof. The floor is an anemic grass and fairy-lights adorn each upright pole.

Within the big top, the following tents are found:

A — pies

A great wide table full of rotted cream pies. The table has been tipped over.

A fabric tunnel leads to {3O}.

B — technicolour

The inside of this tent is especially bright: the tent colours have not faded in here at all. Even the grass is a healthy green.

C — gunpowder nose

The grass is particularly long in here and there’s a faint smell of fireworks.

D — ribbons

Monochrome ribbons dangle from the ceiling, hanging almost fully to the floor.

Behind a flap of tent, a fabric tunnel leads to {3V}.

E — ribbons

Monochrome ribbons dangle from the ceiling, hanging almost fully to the floor.

A wide spiral staircase leads up to {2E}. A fabric tunnel leads out to {3U}.


The grass is still here but it has been spray-painted chequerboard-style.

F — hall of mirrors

This tent is high and conical and there are so so many mirrors. The whole place is inordinately bright.

A fabric tunnel leads to {3V}.

G — springy

Another high conical tent, though with a spongy mineral floor. It’s very bouncy and feels as though it has been inflated.

A fabric tunnel leads to {3W}.


Woven mats of grass line the floors, giving the impression of soggy parquet.

H — shower

It is raining in this tall conical tent. The rain is a mild vinegar.

X — face

This tent is shallow but broad. One wall shows a vast human face with a very open mouth (what’s that CANDYMAN (1992)). You can push through the rubber of the open mouth and it is a tight tunnel to {3S}.

A fabric tunnel leads to {3U}.


The ground is bare in this segment. Rather than individual tents, there are wooden huts.

J+K — teleport trap

When someone steps into this hut, a bell sounds. When the bell stops ringing, anyone within the hut is teleported to a random floor of the dungeon (roll D6 and arrive in room {L} on that floor). This is an uncommon environmental effect (DV10).

L — pungent

This hut smells strongly of farts.

A fabric tunnel leads to {3V}.

M — shower

It is raining in this hut. The rain is a mild vinegar.


Another big tent, with *all* colouration drained from the fabrics. The grass is entirely drab and thin and a low distant calliope sound can be heard.

N — ribbons

Monochrome ribbons dangle from the ceiling, hanging almost fully to the floor.

O — shower

It is raining in this tall conical tent. The rain is a mild vinegar.

There is a fabric tunnel to {3A}.

P — clownglomeration

Imagine a SOCIETY (1989) style multiperson, but this multiperson is made of clowns. This is a rare threat (DV12).

Q — pardon

The walls of this tent are in constant motion. There are constant loud fart sounds (but no smell whatsoever).

R — wobble

The walls of this tent are in intense undulating motion. Where there still colour on the fabric, it would be intensely disorienting. Instead it’s mildly uncomfortable.


S — swirling ceiling

The grass in this rubber tent is laid flat in a circular motion, like a crop circle. The roof has a spiral pattern.


The grass is laid over with stone tiles here. The tiles are broken but have been fixed with fabric tape.

T — lift

An elaborate cage lift moves between here and {4T}.

U — sounds

There is the constant murmur of disembodied voices. It sounds like they are having a good time and that something amusing is happening.


V — junction

The tunnel reaches a t-junction and the ground is incredibly soft here. From here, to {3D}, {3F} and {3L}.


Mud floors, mostly firm.

W — shower

It is raining in this tall conical tent. The rain is mild vinegar.

Y — swirling ceiling

The mud in this fabric tent is patterned in a circular motion, like a crop circle. The roof has a spiral pattern.

Wandering encounters

Check 2-in-6:

  • 1–3: undead clowns (uncommon threat)
  • 4–5: aberrant ooze (uncommon threat)
  • 6: rat swarm (common threat)

Down to Lv4.

You could totally run this with Smithy of Sacrilege.

