Movies | Philosophy

‘Office Space’ and Bullshit Jobs

Lady Horatia
The Ugly Monster
13 min readAug 8, 2024


Credit: 20th Century Fox

At a certain point in ‘Office Space’ Peter (our POV character) walks into the titular office and attends a meeting with consultants who are evaluating the firm and its efficiency. The consultants are trying to get a feel of how the employees spend their day at work, and Peter gladly details his regular workday for them.

A workday for Peter consists of him always coming into work 15 minutes late, and using the side door to avoid being seen by his boss. Then he spaces out for an hour at the start of each day, and for another hour after lunch. When prodded about what he does exactly during the day, Peter says something truly fascinating. He says that he spends most of his day making it seem like he is working, when in reality he isn’t working. Then he follows it up with this: “I’d say in a given week, I probably do about 15 minutes of real actual work”. The consultants are shocked and confused and ask for clarification and so Peter begins to explain TPS reports, and the scene jump-fades to the end of the meeting.

The TPS reports form a symbolic through-line of the film’s themes on the mundanity and soul-crushing nature of office work. At the start of the film, Bill Lumbergh — one of Peter’s many bosses — comes over and tells him that he needs to put the cover sheets on the new TPS reports, Peter says that he…



Lady Horatia
The Ugly Monster

Graduate of Arts from Padova. I write about whatever I feel like. Lover of films, TV shows, video games, and books. Consider supporting me with donations.