Playing Every Game in the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality

PEGBRJE: ‘INDECT’ and ‘Wave to the People’

Is it just me or are there more browser games?

Jacob ._.'
The Ugly Monster


I have a job to do, and that is FLIPS.

INDECT is a 2D action platformer demo created by WorstConcept Games, the indie studio name for ‘nonchip’. Players will follow this yellow-jacketed protagonist as they fight against the cyberpunk dystopian they’ve been stuck in.

At its core, INDECT is a game about maneuvering through levels to collect enough credits in order to ‘buy’ entry to the next level. Each level has a small counter on the top of the door that will lower with every credit collected until players can enter.

These credits are scattered throughout the level and carried by robotic enemies. Shooting them will reveal a random assortment of credits, and also preserve the life of our protagonist; the robots can’t shoot back if they’re dead, after all.

I could go in to great details about minor elements of the game, like how the pixel art is utterly stunning or the music is bopping, but that would bloat up the review. As a demo, the game only lasts ~15 minutes and serves as a vertical slice of what is to come.

When the rest will arrive is uncertain; the developer is waiting for the release of Godot 4 to resume development due to technical issues — which I can understand — so the road to seeing how this game plays out may be a while. If you are committed to the art and the potential, strap in and follow the dev for updates.


Wave to the People is a small, cute game by Sergio Cornaga, a solo indie developer based in New Zealand (Aotearoa in Maori). Players control a massive hand, and they wave at the people to brighten up their day.

Yep, that is in fact all that you do — and it is brilliant. I never expected a game in which any button press would wave a hand would be so adorable.

Credit where it is due, the art and expressions of each individual as they brighten up is priceless. It’s hard not to smile when you see such a happy little tentacle guy flapping their arms around upon seeing a lovely wave from a car going by.

There is one individual that is not thrilled about being waved at, seen above, but they are the exception to the rule. Everyone else loves getting a little wave.

It’s so simple yet so cute that it is hard to not tell everyone to just play it to brighten their mood. Feeling down? Wave at some people! It’s somehow so darn effective, and I cannot recommend it enough.

Links to browser games, not downloads shockingly



Jacob ._.'
The Ugly Monster

Just a Game Dev blogging about charity bundles. We keep going.