Playing Every Game in the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality

PEGBRJE: ‘Nuvoloso’ and ‘I See You’

Welcome to page 56

Jacob ._.'
The Ugly Monster


Cumulo-nimbly grabbing that lap when it shows up.

Nuvoloso is a mobile arcade game created by CloudyO, an indie dev based in the USA. Players are here to match clouds and be relaxed, or perhaps be put in a cloud arena to fight to the wordy death.

Nuvoloso is a game about sorting objects and learning. Players are attempting to grab the clouds that match the word at the top in the hopes of dragging them to the ‘Player’ side and gaining a point. There are three main single-player modes.

Classic is just about matching as many clouds as possible, no timer or colour coordination necessary to succeed. Miss the cloud and a strike is put against the player, which will cause a loss if three are accumulated.

Tick Tock is the timed version, where the goal is to get as many clouds through before the timer expires.

Finally is Colour Match, a slightly more complicated game in which the colour of the cloud now matters. The sides of the mobile device will now be separated in to quadrants of colours, and the player will need to match the colour of the object with the word at the same time.

If feeling frisky, there is a multiplayer mode where both players use the same phone. The only mode is ‘VS’, where players will compete to see who can hit the cloud that is being referenced the fastest.

Nuvoloso’s focus is on association of objects with their English counterparts, best used for those learning the language and needing some reinforcement. It doesn’t try to be anything fancy, but instead focuses on education and fulfillment in understanding. If that is something you need, then you might want to give this a try.

Note that this game can only be played on mobile — it must be downloaded from and then played on a mobile device in order to work properly.

Weirdly handy.

I See You is a first person horror game by catoverlord, a solo indie dev previously seen last page with another horror title. This one was actually released back in 2013 on GameJolt, and was ported over to in 2015. Players are stuck in a hospital — get it, ICU — and need to find that key above to breach through the exit. If that’s even possible.

As expected from catoverlord, the entire game is an exploratory walking sim in which players need to search for the only key in the area that allows them to leave, only to do it again and again.

Once a key is found, one of the doors will be marked by… well, somebody, and it can be interacted with to leave. This keeps repeating until the key above is found, and then things start to get weird. Here is where the spoiler warning kicks in due to the length of the game. Sorry bout that.

Players may have noticed that some of the instructions were a bit too personal early on, as if being spoken by a specific person, but it turns out that was not just a gimmick. Yes, here is where the game pivots in to being one of those ‘creepy pasta’-esque games, one that becomes meta and looking at the player themselves rather than the player’s avatar in game.

Levels start loading incorrectly or getting corrupted, visuals get really hard to follow, and everything seems to collapse on top of itself. Finishing the game isn’t even truly ‘finishing’ it, as it will even bridge in to the browser to finish, and even leave a little reminder that it is always watching. I know some people may find this style of interaction uncomfortable, so I do discourage playing if that is the case.

I See You feels like a horror game in two parts, where one half is playing an atmospheric horror and the other leans more in to strange, abstract horror. Because of this I do recommend that players that are not comfortable with certain styles of interaction to read the spoiler if they have not. Yet it somehow is shorter than a half hour, which makes things a tad stranger than expected.

I’m not sure how to feel about it, and you’ll have to try it out to see if it suits you.

Do note that the game does not download through the client, and needs to be installed manually. The soundtrack can be though!



Jacob ._.'
The Ugly Monster

Just a Game Dev blogging about charity bundles. We keep going.