Credit: Analog Zine

Playing Every Game in the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality

PEGBRJE: Software of Page 55

Hang on, there’s only 4? WHAT?

Jacob ._.'
Published in
2 min readJan 9, 2023


Costume Fairy Adventures

Starting off our page is an improv TTRPG full of fairies by Penguin King Games. You’ll only need 6-sided dice to play the game. The theme centres around player’s ability to switch their powers and tricks through the clothes that they wear.

Included is the Core Rulebook and Costume deck, along with reference books and character sheets, with more possibilities on the website. If you need something whimsical and quick to pick up, this might be a good tabletop to try.


Closer Ties is an online social game for Mozilla Hubs centred around the definitions of real and virtual spaces.

Okay hear me out — this is a software submission. It’s not a “game”. The best way to think about it is as a LARP but in VR. Players will join a ‘real world urban location’ within Mozilla Hubs. It was created with COVID in mind. It’s about how our understandings of what makes a space ‘real’ began to blur as we all moved online. It’s quite clever, although it is a tad tricky to pull off due to the VR requirement. If you have enough people though, give it a whirl.

Analog Zine Issue 1–9

Containing the first nine issues of the zine, Analog Fanzine is includes a variety of articles organized in a way that is intended to remind readers of the ‘off-the-cuff’ magazines of yesteryear. Articles are varied, such as the discussion on the importance of trash talking in the first issue. If zines are your thing, this might be your thing as well.

Propagating Love

Last up is Propagating Love by Morgan Swampcroft, a game made in roughly an hour. It’s centred around the idea of exploring your feelings towards what brings you joy. Pick something you care about, feel connected to, and begin exploring the emotional weight behind it and how it effects you as an individual. It’s introspective, which may not be for everyone, but give it a try if you think it is.



Jacob ._.'
The Ugly Monster

Just a Game Dev blogging about charity bundles. We keep going.