Polearm Station

sean f. smith / he, him
The Ugly Monster
Published in
2 min readSep 27, 2021

Clear out the gammon garrison — a small dungeon for odnd

woodcut with some bells ringing above a book that a skeleton is reaching across


It’s been a week since the local miners have returned from Polearm Station, an old garrison at the edge of the ravine. They usually come home every night.


The miners have been brainwashed by an awakened black pudding and incensed to attack any they deem to be outsiders.

Getting to the Garrison

  • The air is crisp and cold, but condensation fogs the ground and the hairs on your cheeks.
  • A wide and stable path leads down the edge of the ravine to the garrison entrance.
  • Hanging above the door into the garrison is a honey-glazed ham. It will fall (2-in-6 per PC) if PCs aren’t very careful about moving past. If the ham crashes to the floor, a vivid meaty smell wafts through the garrison — no foes within the dungeon can be surprised and they’ll roll 1D6 instead of 2D6 for reaction rolls.

Languid Lobby

  • A wide man with speckled pink skin sits with his back to the heavy wooden door that leads deeper into the garrison-mine. He is sobbing. His name is Weaver and he is upset that someone stole his milk. He wants to be listened to more than he wants to be reimbursed.
  • The walls are plastered in garish posters displaying childish illustrations of plants and inept slogans (like “bucklers mean bucklers” and “trust us”).

Gammon Garrison

  • Iron-wrought statues of soldiers stand in the room, half at attention, half in defensible poses. They hold polearms made of stone and flint.
  • Sconces on the walls have been extinguished by hessian sacks. They still contain much oil.
  • D6 berserk miners wait here (surprised 3-in-6 unless the ham smashed). Their names are Bris, Germ, Nige, Swyn, Ctrl, Stir, Terl.

Berserk Miner HD1+1 (5hp) / armour as chain / stolen polearm / ML12

Barren Barracks

  • Large and perfectly clean room with stone headboards lining the walls. Huge mine entrance bored into left wall.
  • Sconces on the walls appear to have been extinguished by hessian sacks. They still contain some oil.
  • Awakened black pudding (surprised 2-in-6 unless the ham smashed). It has no name and it uses its secretions to etch political slogans into the parquet floor.

Awakened Black Pudding — HD10* (45hp) / armour as leather / polyp / ML12 ; immune to all but fire but splits when harmed with bladed weapons, likely to attack those not holding flames; cling to surfaces and seep through small gaps; secretions dissolve wood and metal after one turn (10m)

  • Hidden in the room is a small quartz chest (worth 100gp) holding two jade bracelets (worth 700gp each).
  • Hidden inside the mine entrance are a pair of boots of levitation with a electrum and mithril diadem (worth 1200gp) stuffed in the left boot.

