Star Wars | Movies | Art

The Rise of Skywalker and Good Bad Art

Lady Horatia
The Ugly Monster
15 min readJul 19, 2022


Poster for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019)

The Rise of Skywalker is the final film in the sequel trilogy by the Disney corporation. There is a lot that can be said about this movie and a lot that has been said about this movie. It has been lambasted as the worst Star Wars ever, and that is quite a high bar to reach after The Last Jedi, and even more so when before that we only had the prequels.

There is something special about art. It is a complex and nebulous thing. Art has value almost intrinsically to itself. As soon as it comes into existence, we place value onto it simply because it exists. That value might be different depending on the thing itself, the object, but that value is present and it is transmitted to us in different ways and with different objectives.

There is art that wants to entertain us and wants to make us feel fun things. There are some who think that art only has the purpose of entertaining, and that which does not entertain is not able to achieve the label of art. Even further, some believe that everything that brings us some deeper purpose and emotion is in some way entertainment, as we are not just experiencing its existence in this nothing universe of sensory deprivation. We are feeling something, and this sense of emotion and sensation is in and of itself entertainment.



Lady Horatia
The Ugly Monster

Graduate of Arts from Padova. I write about whatever I feel like. Lover of films, TV shows, video games, and books. Consider supporting me with donations.