Head shot of an apparently heavily cybered man yelling into the camera. He wears a black skull cap bandana with a white logo.
Original image by NEIL BRANQUINHO, from Cyberpunk RED.

Roleplaying Games

The Good/Bad/Ugly of Cyberpunk RED

They recycled a lot of ideas from Cybergeneration and Cyberpunk v3.0, and that’s a good thing

The Ugly Monster
Published in
9 min readNov 17, 2020


“Damn it, I can’t leave, Night City keep calling me”

- Run the Jewels, “No Save Point”

The Good

The Colors!

The first Chromebook featured a color section, but this is the first entire Cyberpunk book in color. Obviously the injection of cash from having their RPG made into a video game provided a budget the likes of which they’d never imagined. Might as well blow it on delicious artwork. And it is delicious.

Role-Based Lifepaths and Workspaces

Screenshot from rule book. Two charts to roll on. ”What Kind of Tech are You?”, and “What’s Your Workspace Like?”.

The new Role-specific Lifepaths are a godsend. Also, unlike in previous editions, players roll Lifepath BEFORE they generate stats. Yay, narrativism!

Workspaces are also a nice touch. Now the place your cyberpunk works doesn’t have to be “bought”. You just have it. It might suck but it doesn't require any…



The Ugly Monster

Publisher and Chief Editor of The Ugly Monster and Getting Into Chess. News junkie. Music lover. Game fanatic. Anti-conservative. Societal disaster.