A close-up of Megatron speaking: The senate carved up the planet’s population according to notions of utility: Your form dictated your function, and your function dictated your fate. Social engineering in the most literal sense. Someone had to say “no.” Someone had to say “enough.” I was that person. “Freedom is the right of all sentient beings” — where the hell were you when Cybertronians like me were forced to work in the mines just because we were made that way?
Credit: IDW Publishing

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Pop Culture | Roleplaying Games

‘Transformers’ Without Politics is Boring and Stupid

The Transformers Roleplaying Game is a boring salute to the most boring version of the franchise with the most boring version of Megatron

The Ugly Monster
Published in
5 min readDec 15, 2022


Interior pages of Transformers Roleplaying Game, pages 22 and 23. “Creating Your Character” is at the top of page 22. The two pages explain Steps 0 to 2: Discuss with your GM & Other Players, Character Concept, and Essence Store Increases and Skill Point Investment. Much of page 23 is taken up with a full body shot of Bumblebee in robot mode charging into battle. Bumblebee is a yellow robot that apparently changes into a car, judging from the tires and headlights on his shoulders.
Credit: Renegade Games Studios

The Good

The game’s existence is a dis track to Wizards of the Coast

WotC is a Hasbro subsidiary. Transformers is a Hasbro brand. It must have been humiliating for WotC to learn that they wouldn’t be making a Transformers roleplaying game.

Instead of greenlighting a 5e Transformers game, Hasbro let Renegade Studios make a Transformers game AND a G.I. Joe game AND a Power Rangers game with a whole new ruleset. At this rate, Renegade will make the next edition of Star Frontiers.

This is a good thing because WotC makes D&D and should be punished for it.

Three dimensions of distinction

Most RPGs have one or two “splats”; classes, roles, archetypes, whatever. D&D has Races…



The Ugly Monster
The Ugly Monster

Published in The Ugly Monster

A Frankenstein of Movies, TV, Anime, and Other Vile Media


Written by Oscar

Publisher and Chief Editor of The Ugly Monster and Getting Into Chess. News junkie. Music lover. Game fanatic. Anti-conservative. Societal disaster.

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