WEIRDO Reviews: Zack Snyder’s Justice League *No Spoilers*

I’m not crying, you are.

Elias Hernandez
The Ugly Monster
3 min readNov 12, 2021


Image by DC Comics

It’s here. It’s FINALLY here! This weekend saw the release of Zack Snyder’s Justice League in all its uncut, untampered, UNBELIEVABLY AWESOME glory. Welcome, fellow, comic fans. Join me in a brief rundown of quite possibly the best superhero movie to ever exist (in my opinion, of course).

For a movie that’s 4 hours long, it sure didn’t feel like 4 hours, which is a testament to how amazing it is. It also explains why I’ve seen it three times already at the time of writing this (don’t judge me). MILES better than the theatrical version of the film, AKA the “Josstice League”, Zack Snyder’s Justice League is the culmination of every DCEU event that started with Man of Steel delivering a satisfying — albeit bittersweet — end to the Snyderverse. Rife with epic cameos, blink-and-you’ll-miss-’em Easter eggs, violent comic book action, naturally inserted humor, and an instantly classic score, this film delivers fan service to the max!

No, there’s no CGI Supes Stache, no Gumby-looking Steppenwolf, and certainly no unexplained plot holes. Zack was finally able to give the fans his ultimate version of what should’ve been the most epic movie in the world in 2017, before personal tragedy and studio interference befell the project. That means the story is not only phenomenal, but cohesive. The villain is not only intimidatingly badass, but a genuine threat to our heroes. And the heroes — well, they ALL get their time to shine. Rather than a critical bomb that should’ve been called “Superman and Friends”, this masterpiece genuinely feels like a JUSTICE LEAGUE film, which is such a blessing to finally be able to proudly claim as an avid DC fan.

This time around, the Flash and Cyborg — two characters severely undercut in the original film — get their due diligence, with all their “extra” scenes showcasing just how integral they both are to the team rather than just being there. Aquaman and Wonder Woman also have much more to do without any cliché one-liners to bog them down. Batman is finally the heroically competent leader we all know and love from the comics rather than a bumbling softie in a batsuit. And of course, Superman returns in all his fame and glory, this time with some exciting new duds — again, FAN SERVICE.

This Steppenwolf is a huge improvement over the cringy-looking horned alien from the last one, with his motivations finally becoming clear rather than just “Hey, I gotta conquer this planet just because. Cool?” And on top of FINALLY witnessing the O.G. villain of villains, Darkseid, on the big screen, we also get a secondary treat in the form of a seventh League member…and believe me, it’s EPIC AS FUCK.

What’s just as awesome, if not MORE awesome, is the fact that we get an extra “Knightmare” scene toward the end of the movie akin to the one in Batman V Superman, filled with an unexpected jumble of characters to make even non-comic fans jump for joy.

Rating: 5/5

