Poetry | Comics

X-Men, Fascists, and Outrage

Comic Book Haiku — X-Men ’97 #1

Chad Parenteau
The Ugly Monster


Credit: Marvel Comics

Rage fans can rejoice
with thirty-odd pages of
(not really) gay sex!

Fake outrage machine stop! Credit: Marvel/Disney

Just kidding. Instead,
X-Men take on thinly veiled
supremacist group!

Fake outrage machine resuming… Credit: Marvel Comics

Bishop saying the
quiet part out loud just for
all the rage critics.

Credit: Marvel Comics

The authorities
secretly support fascists —
just like in real life!

Credit: Marvel Comics

Wolverine can tell
an old foe by smell and not
the three huge slash marks?!?

Credit: Marvel Comics

Wolverine and Cyke
finally go get a room!
(Danger room, but still…)

Credit: Marvel Comics

Announcement is made
that causes Wolverine to
make a new meme face!

Credit: Marvel Comics

The creators looked
at the original meme
and said, Hold our beers!

Sorry not sorry for hastily created meme. Credit: Marvel Comics

New issue spoilers
Wolverine, Cyclops and Jean
will be a throuple!

This is not old yet! Credit: Marvel Comics



Chad Parenteau
The Ugly Monster

Poet for Hire. Link to buy my new book, The Collapsed Bookshelf, available via my website: www.chadparenteaupoetforhire.com