Bucket List for a Computer Science Student

Desmond Yeoh


1. Attend a programming competition

By winning, you get applauses, prizes and great points for resumes.

By losing, you can remember to solve it better next time. Losing gives you strong emotional connection — untasty — but it fosters your memory on how to solve a problem you once can’t solve.

2. Join a hackathon

Experience coding for 24 hours straight, then pitching your idea in sleepless state. Losing hackathons can feel more discouraged than losing programming competitions — but that’s just normal — because we invest more time and energy in hackathons

3. Doing part-time work while studying

Textbooks and classes are never enough. Why? Because tech giants like Facebook, Google, Microsoft are built by college dropouts. Learning the skills outside the university is important. But don’t dropout unless you’re really sure — you might still need the degree.

4. Joining exchange programs

International exposure to a university in another country changes your view of the world. Check siswamail for 100% sponsored programs — FCSIT lecturers are sharing it very often.

5. Have your personal webpage at GitHub Pages

Build your own personal website for free on GitHub. Be it a professional (put resume there) or casual one. You can showcase it to your future employer. It will be your online business card. How to do? Just follow along this beginner-friendly tutorial here [https://pages.github.com/] (Even a 3-year-old kid can do it — ok maybe not — but it’s easier than writing hello world program in Java).

For example, check out Chi Jun’s (tagging him without permission) personal GitHub page: http://jun13blu.github.io/


  1. Attend a programming competition
  2. Join a hackahton
  3. Do part-time work while studying
  4. Joining exchange programs
  5. Have your personal webpage at GitHub Pages



Desmond Yeoh
Editor for

Software Engineer (Data Science) @ Shopee Singapore. Exploring machine learning infra & frameworks to help data scientists work better.