Google Cloud Next Extended 19 Kuala Lumpur

Jessy Woon
Published in
2 min readApr 28, 2019

This is my second time joining the Google Cloud Next Extended event as a participant.

The event was held at Axiata tower, and the talks are conducted in the same auditorium.

There were so many UM students who joined for the event, as compared to last year, me being the only one. I was excited to find out that there were some of them who joined as volunteers.

Same as usual, the sponsors provided us a lot of nice freebies. Stickers collection added! ✌️

The keynote speakers and their respective talks.

Some important links and notes

Next ’19 @ San Francisco

The Internet of Drones(IoT)

Explore your DNA with Google Genomics

How to Make the Most of TensorFlow 2.0


Attending this annual event does open my eyes and widens my horizons. I was very intrigued by the current technologies as year goes on. It’s mind-blowing to see the boom and the blooming growth of the industry. That does not mean should not stop at there.

Today’s era consists of quick adaptation and mastery, remember that 2011’s technology was considered a ‘state-of-the-art’, the iPhone 5S? With its revolutionary fingerprint scanner? Just few years after, the industry followed soot, and coming out with face recognition phones and some even iris scanners. We have to keep going and learning. The world doesn’t stop there.

Try to discover the link and find for the topic you are interested in. And start.



Jessy Woon
Editor for

Working on every possibility and never ever give up.