All You Need To Know About Google’s Recent Updates

Google was launched in 1995 from a Stanford dorm room and today Google is a money-making machine. Google is one of the few companies that have figured out how to make money from the internet and is unapologetic about creating a corporate culture. Google works on various algorithms which are updated regularly.

What Is Google Algorithm?

Google search algorithm is a complex system that assists Google to find and rank all the relevant and efficient ethical pages for the given search query. The Google search engine uses various combinations of algorithms along with a lot of ranking factors to determine the relevance on its search engine results pages

In the beginning years Google only made a few updates with its algorithms but now Google makes thousands of changes each year in its algorithm. Many updates are so slight that they can go completely unnoticed.

How Does Google Search Algorithm Work?

There are various factors that are taken into consideration for the ranking of various pages on the Google search we will be going through five major factors that are officially listed by Google which have a major influence on the results

  • The Query And Its Meaning

It is necessary for Google to understand what the user is exactly searching for and what is its intent for the search with this Google can provide the user with relevant results. Google must understand and assess various things like meanings of the world, search intent behind a query, and the need for the freshness of content. At times the query can be pretty straightforward for example “new OnePlus phone” here the meaning and intent of the search is clear however at times the intent of the search can be tough to understand for example “new phones” here the results can vary.

  • Relevance Of Pages

Google needs to find which pages are relevant for the search query. Google needs to find the best pages which can answer the queries of the users in the most efficient manner. Here the key role is played by keywords. If the keywords or the faces used by the user are similar to those reflecting as keywords there is a good probability that the page is relevant for the user

  • Quality Of Content

There are an infinite number of pages associated with each and every search query that appears on Google. The quality of content is the king here. Google will always prioritize the pages which offer the best quality of content. Quality content should always demonstrate trustworthiness and expertise via the content to its users.

  • Usability Of Pages

If a page is relevant and has quality content and is not user-friendly it doesn’t serve any purpose. Google makes sure that the website and the pages which have the higher ranking have good usability and are user-friendly this includes various aspects like page speed, the responsiveness of the page, security of the website, etc.

  • Content and Settings

It is needless to say that the search results are reflected on the preferences and the circumstances of the user this may include various things like the history of searches of the user, the search setting of the user, the location of the user

For example, the results for football in the United States show the scores of rugby as in the United States people call rugby as football whereas in the United Kingdom it may show football and various leagues and players like Messi, Ronaldo Neymar, etc.

Google updates for the year 2020–2021

  • Broad Core Update

The broad core update took place on 17 November 2021. The announcement for the broad core update was made from Twitter. This update was designed to improve the Google algorithm overall. Broad Core update will target aspects of the search experience.

  • Google SPAM Update

On November 3, 2021 from a tweet the Google search central announced a spam update as a part of their regular work to improve the search results.

  • Google Link SPAM Algorithm Update

An algorithm update was announced by Google on 26 July 2021. The main purpose of this update was to identify and neutralize all the link SPAM which was rolling out. Google also informed that any sites which were taking part in such spam tactics can see a change in the ranking. Google said that the link spam algorithm update would be fully functional in at least two weeks and its impact was seen in multiple languages.

  • July 2021 Core Update Completed

It was announced via Twitter that the July 2021 Ko rollout update was completed efficiently in July 2021 and no additional information for the same was provided.

  • SPAM Update

Google announced via Twitter an algorithm update for fighting against spam that was seen in the search results. The Google SPAM update was announced on 23 June 2021 and was completed on the same day.

On 28 June 2021 SPAM update part two was announced by Google which was completed on the same day.

  • Page Experience Update

The most awaited page experience update was announced by Google on 15 June 2021 it was said that the site should not expect a major change as a result of this update this rollout was completed by the end of August 2021.

Known-Victim Protection

The vice president of search in Google Pandu Nayak on 10th of June published a post on the keyword blog. The post was in regards to Google’s improving algorithm to demote sites that have predatory practices and that employ exploitative removal practices. A link was also shared for people to report such online harassment.

  • Broad Core Algorithm Update

This update was announced on 2 June 2021 via Twitter. The tweet said that the broad core algorithm update was about to be released however there were some planned improvements which were not ready hence the complete update would be scheduled in July next line.

  • Product Review Update

The product review update took place on 8th April 2021. The product review update was as new search ranking algorithm that would be designed to rank and reward various product reviews that shared and in detail and in-depth research rather than simple content which was summarising a bunch of products.

  • Passage Ranking

Passage ranking was announced via Twitter. It was announced that passage ranking was officially launched for English language queries in the United States.

These are all updates launched by Google for increasing accessibility and reducing the use of Black-Hat SEO techniques. If you want to go digital with your business and are having a tough time understanding the continuous change in the algorithms, we at The Urban Chief can help you out with various digital marketing and overall marketing services.

