How Can Content Convert Into Sales? 100% Proven

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach confined to creating and distributing valuable, pertinent, and consistent content to attract and retain the target audience and ultimately, to drive profitable actions from customers. You might have created an attractive website, curated creative content and spent thousands of dollars on advertising. But what’s your sales conversion rate? Are you still not generating leads or conversions? This is a common problem among many digital marketers. And if you can’t drive traffic to your site, you won’t have any new leads to convert. So, before we proceed, let’s find out what a good sales conversion rate is. However, to achieve this rate, you need to outperform your competitors in many aspects. But how?

All content is not created equal.

Some content will go viral, generating tons of big traffic to your blog, while other content will be lost in the archives. You have to keep your readers first but also understand what type of target audience you are catering to.

By now, you probably know that one of the ways to fail in business is to ignore the target audience’s needs and desires. If you create content marketing without a smart and documented strategy, your content will not convert. The majority of your leads won’t automatically convert into sales by simply being sent through

It is necessary to chart out a well-defined path to convert your prospective buyers into qualified leads and loyal customers. This is possible with the help of Buyer Persona, a tool specialised by marketers for industry leaders to understand what their target audience needs.

What are the ways to create content that converts into sales?

1. Craft Attention-Grabbing Headlines

“Write compelling headlines” has almost become a cliché, but it’s still worth mentioning because this advice is the foundation of a great content marketing strategy. Great content that also converts must stand out from an ever-increasing crowd of similar content. “A poor headline will sell the benefit, not the product.”

2. When You Write, Write Informal

The way you write can make your content effortless, easy to read and personal. Do you write the way that you speak? Some people don’t believe that it works, but it does.

3. Develop Your Competitive Strategy

The odds are good that you’re not the only one selling your specific product or service. So it’s critical to be able to explain the benefits or results your customers will receive from purchasing your product or service that they will not get when purchasing the product or service of your competitor. In order to develop your competitive advantage, you need to know what else is out there. What are your competitors’ claims? What are the benefits they’re selling? How is what you’re offering different from the rest?

4. Market Content on Different But Relevant Channels

As part of your ongoing strategy to speed up the sales, you should be continuously seeking creative ways to improve your advertising and promotional efforts to reach new target audiences.

  • There are so many platforms out there including Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok, Youtube, email, blogs, podcasts — even traditional print channels such as magazines and newspapers — that can make your content reach out to the target audience.
  • Imagine, promoting content on a marketing channel where your target audience does not even exist! All the efforts behind crafting a great piece of content will be of no use, right?
  • Creating a buyers persona can help you identify your audience, their needs, challenges, aspirations and also the channels they are usually active on.

Buyers persona is the only tool that help you draft the above message in the most constructive way.

A buyers persona is an inclusive illustration of an individual who is representing a targeted audience. This persona is narration but it depends on deep comprehension of your own living or potential audience. No one can ever know a customer or their perception individually. Creating a customer or a buyer’s persona to represent your Target Audience or study their Behaviours and aspirations, helps a brand to segment its audience further into groups based on diffraction parameters.

Marketing and advertising are pretty costly and can be futile at times. Companies can end up doing their marketing and advertising to people who are not connected or who have no interest in their products or services. Instead of wasting large amounts of money on someone who is not going to engage with your content, focus should be on communicating to the right target audience.

Creating a B2B buyers personas can have a number of advantages as it gives you a better understanding of your target audience and allows you to connect with them properly. Buyer’s Persona develops the understanding of whom to cater and whom not to.

While creating b2b buyers personas, you should always remember that there will almost always be a lot of personas that are part of the decision making action. Business-to-business buying decisions are not made by just one person. This means you may need to develop a number of personas and understand the interactions between them when it comes to decision making. Someone needs to make sure that your marketing is relatable with each of the personas.

Brands can innovate and share their buyer personas with the team in many ways. It might be many bullet points, it could be a robust, multi-paragraph story. It might include a photo or illustration.Does our persona prefer to be contacted via email or would they prefer a face-to-face meeting? Be it in whatever way helps your team understand your customers the best.

Now you must have understood why it is so important to know your audience to make them convert to sales.

The task of knowing the mass audience altogether is indeed a tough job. Hence, chiefs recommend to create a buyer persona that represents your target audience. Once you have created the buyer persona, your content team can analyse it and craft content that resonates with your persona. This will definitely help in converting leads into sales.

Chiefs have further eased out the task of creating buyer persona. Wondering, how?

Here you go with a free template for buyers persona

Download NOW!

Content creators not only curate creative content, but also drive more lead conversions into sales. Are you ready to create convert-worthy content with the help of buyer persona template?

