35 People to follow on Twitter and more…

Brian Durkin
Published in
5 min readJul 7, 2016

I sat on a panel last night called “A Day in the Life of a UX Designer” and we had such a great conversation. I wanted to repeat some of the themes we discussed and have a place for some of the references and tips that were suggested to the attendees.

I made reference to the UX Honeycomb that Peter Morville wrote about and so I wanted to reference it here:

A suggestion I made to aspiring UX Designers, was to follow design leaders on Twitter, look at who they are following, and follow those people too. Twitter has been a wonderful professional resource to me for a few reasons. I’ve found that it’s become a human built RSS feed of sorts where the people I’ve learn from, are posting useful things that they find useful. The other helpful thing has been personally reaching out to people to ask questions. Twitter has been a group mentor of sorts for me in that regard.

With that said, here is a list of twitter links to go follow these people:

I wanted to also leave a list of books for people to read if they want something to reference. I discussed at one point the book:

Here are 10 other books that are suggestions of mine (sorry for the amzn links but go check these out):

I really enjoyed discussing the things I love about UX and how I got into this wonderful and empathetic practice.

The last bit of advice I could give is to keep with it. The world is catching up to what UX Design is and the understanding of things like; UI is not UX, and process can help facilitate the validation of design ideas.

For follow up questions, follow me on twitter.



Brian Durkin

I am a #UX designer. All views are NOT my own, I regurgitate thoughts and ideas from history and the collective subconscious. My art is mine.