6 Tasty Alternatives to the Hamburger Menu

Craig Phillips
Published in
3 min readApr 17, 2017

After reading tens of articles on the topic, I have no opinion on the matter any longer. Any interface element, or interaction for that matter, that resembles something edible is A-ok to me. In fact, we could all really benefit from more UI elements to be named after food products, or food-like substances (s/o #6).

Here are a few that could be really good alternatives if you’re just not that into hamburgers.

1. The Fries Menu

The Fries Menu, because no matter how much you despise McDonald’s, you’ll still buy fries. Just like you’ll definitely click on this thing to see what it does.

2. The McNugget Menu

No one knows what’s inside a McNugget, which embodies the true spirit of interaction with any menu-navigationy-thing. (Chicken salad or chicken shit?)

3. The Big Mac Menu

More bread, more meat, and secret sauce is never too much. Just like the laundry list of navigation terms you can fit behind any burger-based menu.

4. Filet-O-Fish Menu

The Filet-O-Fish Menu is a gentle nod to the first sandwich created based on the persona of Roman Catholic neighbors not eating red meat on Friday in 1962 Cincinnati, Ohio. The birthplace of user centered design.

5. The McCafe Frappe Mocha Menu

Because sugar is more like crack than caffeine.

6. The McRib Menu

Elegant, dramatic, forward leaning. The McRib Menu may not be real — not unlike the meat in a McRib Sandwich — but you still want one nonetheless.

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