Build Better Products, Apple Troubles, Newspapers in Digital, and Product Journeys

Nicholas Tenhue ✒️
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2 min readNov 3, 2016

It’s been an exciting week for The UX Blog!

Podcast: Laura Klein on how to build incredible products →

We were lucky enough to interview Laura Klein on The UX Blog Podcast. We chatted with her about some actionable user experience methods from her upcoming book ‘Build Better Products’.

Listen on iTunes →

In case you missed them, we also hand-picked some top trending articles from The UX Blog:

Dear Apple, This is Torture →

Craig Sullivan discusses his grievances with Apple products. “I have now reached my limit — of a building wave of small frictions, annoyances and grievances — that wipe out any remaining goodwill I have for Apple.”

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Newspapers are failing the product solution stack test →

Damon Kiesow, Head of Product at McClatchy, talks about how newspapers struggle with digital and how product strategy is only as strong as its weakest link.

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Likeable — Case study →

Alexandru Giuseppe Ispas, self-taught digital product designer & maker, presents a case study on Likeable. Likeable are changing the way people are looking for professionals. No fancy booking systems, no fake reviews; just you and them.

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Our Design Journey — From Acquisition to Relaunch →

Kurtis Elliott, Head of Product at Zoocasa, shares his insights on acquiring a company with no engineers, no marketing team; just some code and the leadership/vision of their new CEO. The article covers their amazing design journey.

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Feel free to send any comments or suggestions along to We’re also looking for contributors on our main website You can find more information on how to contribute here.

Until next time,

Nicholas Tenhue from The UX Blog

