Could better Service Design have saved the life of a man who got sucked into an MRI machine?

Saurabh Suman
Published in
1 min readJan 29, 2018
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Something tragically unexpected happened today in Mumbai. A young man carrying an oxygen cylinder into an MRI room, got sucked into the machine and consequently died.

The ward boy and doctor responsible(ironically) have been arrested for negligence. Now of course, had they been more attentive, this wouldn’t have happened, but how much can you trust a human?

As a designer, it makes you wonder if you could design the service better and make sure that such a problem doesn’t even occur in the first place.

Could better service design have saved him?

Yes, it could’ve. Just imagine placing a metal detector gate installed at the doors of the MRI machine. And the doors don’t open if you have metal on you. Using simple principles of constraints in designs, we could save many lives, couldn’t we?

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Saurabh Suman

I delve into the complexities of relationships, self care, and mental health with grace and thoughtfulness, empowering others to live their best lives.