Creators’ Manifesto

Dotted Line
Published in
3 min readMar 3, 2017

The backstory leading to the creators manifesto is based in large programs and projects in big organisations. These are often well intended and bring meaningful progress to organisations and society at large.

However, inspite of the best intentions, we have experienced the following situation far too often. And every time we were in one, we felt uncomfortable, uneasy and lost any motivation to proceed.

Large programs have usually big budgets, steering committees, bunch of managers and a whole lot of meetings to align things. Alignment gives an illusion of control of the program going as planned.

What these programs seldom have is someone who continuously iterates a vision story that invites participation and self-actualization. And this is, more often than not, because there is no vision. This lack of vision results in disjoint missions, unchecked assumptions and general anxiety.

We seek to make magic and feel comfortable creating. This manifesto is for those who want to create a better future and believe they cannot do that all by themselves.


We are the ones who build, we are the ones who care, we are the ones who think.

We are engineers, designers, marketeers, teachers, researchers and policy makers. We are business owners, artists, managers, entrepreneurs and everything in between.

What unites us is that we work together on things that matter and create value. In essence, we seek first to understand, then to be understood.

They call us creators.

Our principles

These are the indispensable qualities which determine our character and guide our behaviour. They are therefore the non-negotiable aspect of how we collaborate.

  • we have a shared vision that invites participation and self-actualization
  • we commit our attention and care about each others time
  • we are a dedicated collective
  • we are practitioners of the principle of charity

Our values

The following values and attitudes outline our understanding of what is right and important;

  • life and its non-linearity over the illusion of control
  • thinking slow over thinking fast
  • inspect & adapt over fixed targets & rigidity
  • open & transparent over closed & obscure
  • inquiry & problem solving over premature solutions and HiPPOs (Highest Paid Person’s Opinion)



Dotted Line

showing the beauty of knowledge and inspire people to admire and contribute to human progress through consulting, storytelling, talks, writing and good thinking