Get creative & inspired by following these Instagram accounts

sai ashwin
Published in
3 min readJul 12, 2017

With around 700 million accounts in Instagram, and around 250 million daily active users, I would definitely need some list of curation of good profiles which I can follow and is a worth while of my time seeing the photos which they post. I have always felt that every minute which I spend (on anything) should be of some use to me . The following profiles which I am sharing with you now has never failed to impress me. I have spent my time getting inspired by the shots posted by these profiles and I felt I should create a curated list so that everyone of you could follow these profiles too, to get inspired & creative.

Disclaimer: The post might look long but its not. I am adding up two shots from every profile. Also there is no particular order on which the profiles are listed.

There are lots of big players out there and picking up every profile is a hard task. If you know any profile which is worth following, do share it in comments.

Next curation coming soon..

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Btw, I have been working on a side project “Gooodesign”, do check it out. Thanks for reading!

