Conceptual Model and System Image in Design

Danny Jingyu Liu
Published in
3 min readAug 16, 2016

Learning A Language Called Design — pt.2

Recapping on Lesson 1. We talked about affordance, what operations a product allows; siginifiers, signs that help people discover affordance; and mapping, association or analogy that connects product with physical or mental environment. Let me introduce some more new vocabs and discuss how they can be used in helping with actual design decisions.

Vocab List

Conceptual Model

Definition: A simplified model of how things work.

Example: Car steering wheel. For ordinary drivers, the simplified model of steering wheel is roughly clockwise for turning right and counter-clockwise for turning left(assuming you are going straight). Under the hood, thousands of parts work together to make turning possible. So I assume you are not an expert in mechanics, but do you know that when you turn, your wheels turn at different angle to make up for the radius difference between inner wheel and outer wheel.

Maintaining a simple conceptual model is the key for both fast user growth.

For example, Zhihu(Chinese Quora) shows off a carousal introduction with every new release (will update with pictures later). It usually features some text describing the Zhihu community helps answer questions and promotes questions and answers based on votes. The background have cute figures showing people debating on the earth surface. These illustrations help new users grasp the core value of the product within the minutes. Those are the golden minutes for designers for two reasons.

Curiosity—Users tend to have the highest curiosity during the first minutes of interaction. It is the moment to impress, to inspire, to intrigue. Up your introduction game with simple words and bright illustration. Capture new users’ attention and shine.

Patience — For every new user, they have the most patience at the beginning of using a product. They would take the time to be informed. It is much easier to convey standards/rules to users about a product (i.e. community standard, user agreement and etc).

Create a simple and informative conceptual image is the first step to make a good product.

System Image

Definition: The actual product.

Example: Bladeless Fan with its packaging.

Designers have their own conceptual model for the product. Designers at Dyson thinks bladeless fans are better than traditional fans. The conceptual model is bladeless fans are quiter and safer. However, they can’t just ship “the great bladeless fan model” to everyone. They made actual physical bladeless fans and put them inside boxes with instructions and ship that to buyers. The buys then are able to see the physical fan, rejoicing over the refreshing breeze without hearing annoying hummings.

Safe Fan and Happy Penguin (Source:

With Conceptual Model and System Image, I want to show a somewhat obvious graph.

Disconnected Conceptual Models

The gap between designers’ conceptual models may never be the same as users’. But in the next blog I will talk about what design process can help we control users’ conceptual model.

Thanks for reading. Please share and leave some [feedback]!



Danny Jingyu Liu

From imagination comes power; From power comes responsibility.