TheVault Lab — June Developer Update #2

TheVault Lab
TheVault Lab
Published in
2 min readJun 21, 2019

Hi VSS Community,

We are getting very close to releasing the NEMVault beta version and this week we are officially in UAT stage. If this is successful, we will do the final round of QA and then the product will be ready to be released.

The team has been working tirelessly to build out the security features to ensure the blacklist check APIs work smoothly, matched with an equally user-friendly GUI interface. Some of the completed features since the last update are:

  • Configuration limit on the Blacklist (search) and upload function
  • Build out GUI interfaces
  • The landing page with live data statistics GUI implementation
  • The Blacklist (add/edit) feature
  • Blacklist search by hash and address
  • Activity Log and Upload page integrations
  • 2FA and user account security functionality

So you can see we are almost beta ready. In the final 2 weeks before public release, other features you will see in the beta:

  • Batch checking function
  • Secure password and 2FA features to ensure security of user’s accounts
  • Batch script for adding multiple new users into the system
  • Beta’s live servers will be installed and tested

We take feedback seriously as we evolve the product to the best version it can be. As exchanges and beta users start testing the NEMVault, we hope to be able to add the features you request.

More APIs will be available soon for front-end integration as some schema and access token changes will be included in the APIs.

NEMVault will allow our exchange partners (and beta users), to upload blacklists as well check existing addresses against previously uploaded addresses. If you operate or manage an exchange, please contact us at for access. Both browser and API based access will be available.

If you’re an individual interested to access the NEMVault beta, learn more on how you can sign up today and prepare your account for launch day.

I hope you enjoy your experience with the NEMVault beta and don’t forget to leave us some valuable feedback (a form will be announced later and available on launch day)!

Jeff Middleton

CTO, TheVault Lab

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TheVault Lab
TheVault Lab

A Security Platform that comprises AI-Driven Fraud Detection, powering a Consensus Protocol and Consumer Protection Layer for Securing Blockchain Tr