Alba is a nanny you can trust

The Chilean startup enters our Growth Accelerator

3 min readApr 22, 2019


Mauricio, Tesi and Dan, Alba’s founding team during their onboarding week at TheVentureCity Miami Campus. Pic by Elisa Rodríguez-Vila.

Like almost all stories with a high-impact in the business world, Alba’s starts with the search to find a solution to a daily problem. Tesi is a mother of two and, when it comes to deciding who can help her take care of her kids, she asked herself the same question as most parents around the world: where do you go to find a nanny you can trust?

That’s how Alba was born, a company from Chile that found the perfect solution to bring security to parents that need to leave their kids in safe hands. It all comes from a simple platform that creates a safe environment for both babysitters as well as families.

Founded in 2017 by María Teresa del Sante (COO), Dan Stern (CEO) and Mauricio Giadach (CTO), Alba enters the Growth Accelerator at TheVentureCity as a scalable company with an international projection. They will be in our program for 6 months, where they will intensely attend our expert sessions. From the platform, they define their marketplace model for household services, and babysitters are just the first step towards offering more services.

Alba, our first Chilean startup.

Currently, there are 15,000 registered babysitters on the platform and more than 25,000 families in Chile use the app. The Alba team hopes to soon expand their operations in Mexico and other Latin American countries.

The babysitter’s identity verification and validation process, as well as the families that register on the platform, is reviewed by the Alba team, that offers 24/7 support and has adapted additional functions to the app such as notifications, pictures, and real time location for each babysitter. All this provides extra safety for the users of this network.

The “Alba community” grows with the user reviews. As mentioned by the team “we show which babysitters are being hired by your friends or the ones that have been reached out to by families who take their kids to the same school. We connect these dots from our app and we improve our recommendations process”.

For Ricardo Sangion, VP of Growth for the Americas at TheVentureCity, Alba will find the tools to achieve a growth that matches their potential, keeping their corporative promises: safety, trust and community.

“We like how Alba is applying different pieces of social connections, security and technology to bring not only a great experience to parents and babysitters, but also trust and safety to the whole process. It’s great to be able to count on people that your friends and family already trust for something that important.”




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